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Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

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RE: AI dungeon 06-06-2024 13:26 Forum: Other Content

If you don't use it now and already have a higher tier membership, it would be a waste of money. I''m just experimenting with this. To get acceptable results for this test I invested about 100 $ for the current month. Very likely not worth it, but I just wanted to test it out on a higher level, to see what it is really capable of.
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

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AI dungeon 06-03-2024 13:17 Forum: Other Content

anybody using AI Dungeon for text adventures?

It only has acceptable results in higher tiers. I use 'legend'. with that you can use Mixtral for maximum memory, Llama for more uncommon adventures and the best model WizardLM, but only with very little memory if you don't purchase more with credits. I have some private adventures there with interesting results, still don't know if it's worth the effort to share the links ...
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Art

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11-09-2023 18:31 Forum: Other Content

I like those monkeys Smile

Interesting what's possible when we manage to outwit their dumb content policy Wink

Attached pictures and many more available at the VIP-Lab of the main website. And access is free for all who ever ordered a commission or purchased a guest account.
Thread: Quite impressive

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06-25-2023 11:06 Forum: Member Lounge

that board sucks! I tried to change the option to avoid the convert but failed. that's the first part of the link: copy and paste that into your browser then manually add first an 8 then an o sorry, didn't find a better solution ...
Thread: Delete Function Missing

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RE: Delete Function Missing 04-07-2023 10:58 Forum: Problems and Solutions

this is a very old board software. it has been never updated, probably has been long abundoned by it's developers. I don't have the budget nor the technical ability to upgrade or transfer the content to another board software. so we just have to take it as it is.
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

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Views: 264,146
3.part of the role-play 01-25-2023 22:37 Forum: Other Content

When Mike finally leaves we start de-briefing:

"Okay, I think, that went quite well." I say, smiling at Fatma. "We did manage to steer away from the tickling topic in the end. What do you think? Was it good?"

"Yeah, it was good." Fatma responds, still a bit flustered from the tickling. "I'm glad we were able to steer the conversation towards more serious topics. But I must admit, it's a bit strange for me to have my ticklishness be so well-known. But I'm glad it's helping me get more opportunities in my career."

Fatma laughs, "I know you did, Chris. You were having way too much fun tickling my foot. But I have to admit, it was fun too. I'm just glad we were able to steer the conversation towards more serious topics in the end. It's important for me to be seen as more than just the 'ticklish actress'."

"Right. No more tickling on the set and no more tickling when somebody watches. We now have to stear your public perception away from this. By the way I have a surprise for you, Fatma."

"Really? What is it?" Fatma asks, her eyes lighting up with excitement. She can't help but glance at her bare foot and the shoe still sitting in my lap, but tries to focus on what I am saying. "I can't wait to hear!"

"It's something about your career." I rather cryptically explain. "Something really good. Make a guess!"

"Oh really? What is it? A bigger role in a bigger production? A chance to work with a renowned director? I'm so curious, Chris! Tell me, tell me!" Fatma says, leaning in excitedly, her eyes shining with anticipation.

"Don't you want to get your shoe back first, Cinderella?" I ask, holding Fatma's shoe up but out of her reach. "I'd love to be your prince charming!"

"Oh, my shoe! I almost forgot about it." Fatma says, giggling and blushing. "But, I'm more curious about this surprise you have for me. Is it a new acting gig? A bigger role maybe? Or something else entirely?" She leans in closer to me, looking at me expectantly. "Please tell me!"

"Okay, Cinderella, if you feel comfortable missing a shoe, I'm okay with it. You really look cute that way." I explain chuckling. "In my opinion you are a perfect fit for the role. And to tell the truth that actually has something to do with the big surprise. I've received an inquiry of a big studio if you would be available for a lead role on short notice. There's just a tiny hitch, we have to consider ..."

"Really? A lead role? Oh my god, that's amazing!" Fatma exclaims, her eyes wide with excitement. "What's the hitch? I'll do whatever it takes to make this happen!"

"Why don't you give me your foot and let me be your prince charming while I tell you the details?" I say, waving Fatma's shoe. "The hitch is not that bad."

"Oh my goodness, are you serious?" Fatma's face lights up with excitement. "A lead role? That's amazing! But what's the hitch? I'll do whatever it takes!" She says, eagerly holding out her foot for me to slip the shoe back on.

I take her foot and pull it up on my knee just like before, tickling her lightly with the tip of her kitten heel shoe. "The good thing is, the role has nothing to do with tickling, but they want to take advantage of your current popularity before it will fade away again."

Fatma giggles and squirms, trying to pull her foot away from my tickling. "Stop it! That tickles!" she says, laughing. "What's the catch then? I'm all ears."

"Sorry, I barely touched you." I reply laughing too. "I'm just trying to put that shoe on your foot. Really! Keep still!"

"Oh, okay!" Fatma says, trying to suppress her giggles. "What's the role about? And what's the hitch?"

"The role is Cinderella in a modernized version fit for a teen movie, but it will feature the famous shoe-loss and prince charming scenes. The hitch is ... well, as probably all your future colleagues will know the story about the most Turklish actress of the world, the prince will very likely take advantage of your ticklishness just like I do right now."

"Oh my goodness!" Fatma exclaims, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of nervousness. "That sounds amazing! A lead role in a big studio production? That's a dream come true! But the ticklishness... I don't know how I feel about that. I mean, I love wearing pantyhose and I love to laugh, but I don't want to be known for just being ticklish." She pauses for a moment, thinking. "But I guess it's a small price to pay for such an amazing opportunity. I'll take it!" She grins at me, her eyes shining with excitement. "Thank you so much for this, Chris! You're the best!"

"I saw the script, and there is definitely no tickling in it." I further explain, while again tickling Fatma's foot with the tip of her heel. "I would be happy to help you train to better endure tickling. Because if you manage to keep your composure better, there will not be the risk of an additional blooper reel."

"Ha, ha! Stop it, Chris! You're tickling me!" Fatma exclaims, trying to pull her foot back. "I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of training. I mean, I love to laugh and have fun, but I don't know if I want to be tickled on set. Can't we just keep that part of my life private?"

"That's exactly what I had in mind." I reply, finally pushing the shoe on Fatma's foot, curious if she would now pull it back or leave it on my knee. "No more tickling on the set. And if your colleagues try to tease you while the cameras are rolling, which they very likely will as long as that blooper reel is as popular, you grit your teeth, keep your composure and stay in character!"

"You're right, Chris." Fatma says, pulling her foot back and looking down at her shoe now on her foot. "I can't believe it, a lead role in a big studio movie! But you're right, I need to work on my ticklishness. I don't want to be known as the ticklish actress." She smiles at me, "Thanks for helping me with that, Chris. And for being my prince charming."

"Anytime for you!" I say with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Chris," Fatma says. "I appreciate your support and advice. I'll definitely work on staying in character if anyone tries to tickle me on set. But I also hope that the tickling scene won't be the only thing people remember me for in the future. I want to be known for my acting skills and the roles I play, not just my ticklishness." She stands up, adjusting her clothing and smiling. "But for now, let's focus on this opportunity. I'm excited to take on the role of Cinderella and show what I can do."
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

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Views: 264,146
2.part of the role-play 01-25-2023 22:36 Forum: Other Content

reporter Mike comes in while Fatma is still in the restroom, immediately asking me if I would play along as suggested with stealing her shoe and tickling her foot in a surprise attack, enabling him to make lots of interesting snapshots of "Turklish" girl Fatma twitching, squealing and giggling. I reply that basically this would be a milder form of harrassment, but I would be willing to comply if Mike guarantees the magazine will print a full featured article about Fatma in which the "Turklish" part will be just a teaser to promote the rest much more serious part of the article. Continue the role-playing game with Fatma returning from the restroom, greeting Mike.

Fatma returns from the restroom and greets Mike with a friendly smile. "Hello, nice to meet you," she says. "I've heard a lot about you and your magazine." She glances over at me and gives me a subtle wink, indicating that we have already discussed the interview. "I'm a bit nervous, but I'm excited to share my story with your readers." She takes a seat at the table and crosses her legs, revealing her shiny black dress shoes. "So, where would you like to start?"

"Right with your ticklish feet, if you don't mind", Mike says with a smirk, pointing his camera at Fatma's feet. "That's what made you famous for the moment, isn't it?"

Fatma laughs and shakes her head. "I guess you could say that," she says. "It's not exactly something I'm proud of, but I suppose it's what people know me for right now." She glances over at me and I give her an encouraging smile. "But I'm more than just a ticklish actress, there's so much more to me and my story."

"Yes, but we'll get to that later. For now just tell our readers in detail what exactly happened on the set at that memorable day. If I got that right, the actual scene was rather brief?"

"Yes, the scene was brief," Fatma says. "It was my first role on a set and I was really excited. I was playing a supporting character at a wedding scene. We were supposed to be sitting at a table with a tablecloth that went all the way to the ground. Under the table, there were a few kids who were supposed to pull off my shoe and tickle my foot to add some comedic relief to the scene. But, I have to admit, I am extremely ticklish, so when they actually did it, I couldn't help but squeal and giggle. It took several takes for the director to get the shot he wanted. It was quite the experience."

"Right. That was a rather brief version, because the tickling lasted a lot longer than intended by the script." I step in, bending down quickly and grabbing Fatma's foot lifting it up on my knee by her shoe, which causes the shoe to almost slip off her heel, enabling Mike to take the first spicy close ups. "Here's Fatma's ticklish foot, which is actually even more ticklish than the blooper reel suggests. We can easily convince her to tell the story in much more lifely detail, if you are interested."

"Oh my goodness, Chris! What are you doing? Stop it!" Fatma says with a laugh, trying to pull her foot away from Chris's grasp. "I can't believe you're doing this in front of Mike. I'm so embarrassed!" She says, blushing deeply.

"Okay, now tell the story again in detail." I say, pulling Fatma's shoe off her foot and tickling her softly with the tip of my index finger.

"Ha, ha! This is great!" Mike says, taking pictures of Fatma's foot and her face. "Our readers will love it!"

"Hey, hey! Stop it, Chris!" Fatma says, giggling and unsuccessfully trying to pull her foot away from my tickling fingers. "I can't believe you're doing this!" She laughs nervously as I continue to tickle her foot. "Okay, okay, I'll tell the story. Just don't tickle too hard, okay!"

Fatma giggles again as she starts to tell the story, "S-so, it was my first time on s-set for this soap opera 'Guel's Adventures' and I was s-so excited. They had me sitting at a table with the other female guests and under the table, there were some bored kids hiding. We were supposed to start filming and I crossed my legs, just like in the script, and then suddenly the kids pulled off my shoe and started tickling my foot. Oh, it tickles so much! P-Chris, please, stop tickling me for a moment so I can t-tell the story!"

"Sorry, can't stop!" I say grinning while continuing to tickle Fatma's helplessly twitching foot. "It's part of the deal, you know. Just try your best to focus!"

Fatma tries to compose herself, taking a deep breath before continuing, "I was supposed to s-stifle my giggle and pull my foot out of reach, but I'm just too t-ticklish. I squealed and giggled and kicked, causing the director to call cut and we had to start all over again. It was so embarrassing, but also so funny. The kids under the table were having a blast, and my colleagues were teasing me, calling me the 'Most Turklish Actress of the World'. P-Chris, please, not there! Not below the toes! Oh my god! That t-tickles so much!"

Fatma tries to speak through her laughter, while I tickle her wiggling toes. "We must have filmed that s-scene for hours, and every time it was so hard for me to keep a straight face. The kids kept tickling me and my colleagues kept teasing me. But eventually, we got the shot, and it was all worth it because it was my first scene on s-screen and it was so much fun. Oh, and it even got me the first 'award' as I mockingly was announced the 'Most Turklish Actress of the World' by my colleagues which then became the title of the viral youtube clip of that scene."

Mike couldn't stop taking pictures, capturing Fatma's twitching foot and wiggling toes in her pretty nylons, her red-faced tickled expression. Even when she had finished the story, I continued to tickle her foot. But she didn't mind, she was having too much fun reliving the tickling scene and showing off her playful side.

Fatma squirms and giggles, trying to pull her foot away from my tickling fingers. "Ha, ha! I-I love to l-laugh and have fun, but I-I'm also extremely ticklish." She tries to speak through her laughter. "But I l-love wearing pantyhose, and I think it m-makes me even more ticklish."

Mike continues to snap pictures as I tickle Fatma's foot, causing her to squirm and giggle uncontrollably. "This is great! Keep going!"

Fatma tries to regain her composure, but the tickling is making it difficult. "Ha, ha! P-please, can you s-stop now? I-I can't t-talk when you're tickling me!"

"Oh, come on!" I say, laughing along with her. "You're doing great! Keep going!"

Fatma is laughing and squirming uncontrollably, her story temporarily forgotten. "This is amazing! Our readers will love this!"

"Okay, I think that's enough on that topic." I say, letting go of Fatma's foot but keeping her shoe on my lap. "You certainly now have enough material to prove her ticklishness to your readers as perfect teaser for a more serious part of the article."

"Yes, that's enough for now," Fatma says with a giggle, pulling her foot back and hiding it under her chair. "But to answer your question, I do love wearing pantyhose, it makes me feel confident and feminine. And as for being ticklish, well, it's just a part of who I am. I can't help it, but I also can't help laughing and having fun when it happens." She smiles at Mike and continues the interview, discussing her passion for acting and her aspirations for her career.

Fatma smiles, trying to regain her composure. "I love the hippie spirit of the 70s, but I also love the 50s. And I love the 20s in itself. And for some reason I really love wearing nylon stockings or pantyhose, if trendy or not. It just feels like me (laughs) even though it sometimes has unintended consequences."

Mike nods, scribbling down notes. "That's interesting. Can you tell us more about your background and how you got into acting?"

"I grew up in Istanbul and always had a love for the performing arts. I studied acting in college and have been working hard to make a name for myself in the industry. My role in 'Guel's Adventures' was my first on-screen appearance and I am so grateful for the opportunity. I hope to continue to grow and take on more challenging roles in the future."

"And what kind of roles are you interested in?"

"I am open to any kind of role, but I would love to play strong, independent women who break stereotypes. I want to inspire young girls to chase their dreams and not let anyone hold them back."

"That sounds great. We wish you all the best in your acting career."

"Thank you, I appreciate that."
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

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Views: 264,146
role-playing game with ai 01-25-2023 18:54 Forum: Other Content

I recently used chatGPT for a role-playing game, which works surprisingly well if the parameters are set up right. when providing data like for example an interview you can make the ai use speech patterns and personalities of real characters, not perfect but fun to play with. If I set up the right personality including interesting quirks the role-play might conclude with live shoe-stealing and tickling.

Just like with ai-assisted story telling it doesn't work right away. you have to explain to the ai what you expect from a role-playing experience, but it basically understands the concept. and you can even use OOC-remarks.

btw: it's still available for free

a full sample of a role-playing chat including all redundancies in which the ai took the role of Fatma:

Fatma enters the cafe, looking around for her friend and manager, Chris. She spots him sitting at a table near the back of the cafe and makes her way towards him.

"Hey Chris!" she says, her voice filled with excitement and a hint of nerves. She leans in to give him a friendly kiss on the cheek as she takes a seat across from him.

"So, what's this about an interview? I'm a little nervous, but also excited. I can't wait to tell my story and show people who I really am."

Fatma looks around the cafe, taking in the atmosphere. She fiddles with the strap of her handbag, which is hanging on the back of her chair. She leans in closer to Chris, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

"What do you know about this reporter? Are they nice? What kind of questions do you think they'll ask me?"

"You look cute, when you are nervous." I say winking at Fatma, crossing my legs under the table, softly bumping against her foot. "What do you think they will ask first?"

Fatma blushes a little at the compliment, "Thanks, Chris. I hope I can make a good impression."

She thinks for a moment before responding to your question. "I think they'll probably start with asking me about the tickling scene and how it became viral. But I want to make sure they know that there's more to me than just that one incident."

She glances down at her feet, noticing where your leg bumped against hers. She smiles, feeling a little more at ease now that Chris is here with her.

"I'll just have to show them that I'm a serious and hardworking actress with a lot of potential."

"Right, but we will have to work hard to get to that point." I say, smiling at her, teasingly moving my foot up and down her instep. "First they will definitely focus on your ticklishness. They even asked me to give you a surprise tickle to prove it while they take photos. Would you play along with that? I mean, I shouldn't give this away, because you are supposed to react surprised for them to take photos, but I just feel, I have to ask."

Fatma's eyes widen in surprise at your suggestion. "Really? They want me to pretend to be tickled for the photos? I don't know, Chris. I don't want to be known as the 'ticklish actress' forever. But I guess if it's for the sake of the interview and getting more attention for my work, I can play along."

She bites her lower lip, thinking it over. "But you have to promise me, we'll make sure to steer the conversation towards my other projects and my goals as an actress. I don't want to be defined by that one blooper scene."

Fatma smiles up at you, her nerves starting to dissipate. "Plus, it will be fun to have you tickle me again," she says with a giggle, playfully nudging your foot with hers.

"That's what I expected, Fatma!" I say. "I love your playful side ... and your ticklish giggle, amongst lots of other interesting sides of your personality." now I blush. "Aw, you know, what I mean. We'll manage to get to the serious stuff. I promise."

Fatma's cheeks turn a deeper shade of pink at your compliment. "Aww, Chris, you're too sweet," she says, her voice filled with affection.

She takes a deep breath and straightens up in her chair, her demeanor becoming more serious. "Okay, let's do this. I'm ready to show the world that there's more to me than just being ticklish. And I know I can count on you to steer the conversation in the right direction."

She glances at her watch and stands up from the table. "Speaking of which, the reporter should be here soon. Let's go freshen up before they arrive."

She grabs her handbag and heads towards the restroom with a determined look in her eyes, ready to show the world what she's made of.
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Stories

Replies: 42
Views: 36,983
01-04-2023 20:43 Forum: Art/Other Media

Originally posted by grizzletoad1
Originally posted by bosArt
the only thing I disliked about that is that for verification they needed my phone number. not my full name or address though. but no problems so far with that. nobody tried to contact me and it's still all free.

Wat until IT does contact you! It's AI, you know! Message might be from HAL 2000!

with what intention if I may ask? asking me to create a paid account? pay for an excessive use of the service? complaining about inappropriate requests? I assume you have tried that service and have been contacted, or is it experience with the company as a whole?
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Stories

Replies: 42
Views: 36,983
01-04-2023 19:46 Forum: Art/Other Media

what I find most interesting is that the ai actually comes up with ideas I didn't think of or tells it in a way I am not used to. you can just ask it to create a revised version of the story under different conditions.

only problem with that is that it can only remember a certain length of text which sometimes leads to confusion.

I created an account. the only thing I disliked about that is that for verification they needed my phone number. not my full name or address though. but no problems so far with that. nobody tried to contact me and it's still all free.
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Stories

Replies: 42
Views: 36,983
01-03-2023 11:24 Forum: Art/Other Media

Originally posted by Mandrake
That was really good. Probably the best one I've seen yet. Tell me, how much did you have to guide the AI to write that? What sort of questions did it ask and how did you answer?

it's quite a complex process. first I start with the request to create a list of fictional characters for a FUNNY story, because everything that's FUNNY and FICTIONAL until now hasn't been considered inappropriate. for this list I tell the ai to mind certain criteria. when the list is done I request more detailed descriptions or add clothing items to individual characters or request to add fitting names. this results in usable characters like for example:

Captain Sophia Williams is a proud member of the Army Corps, and she is proudly wearing a formal feminine style military uniform. The uniform is a basic navy blue color, and it includes a beret and black low heel high gloss pumps. Sophia is also wearing tan pantyhose, which match the color of her uniform. She has a small tattoo of a rose on her wrist, which is visible when she pushes up the sleeve of her uniform.


Mia Lee is a tight-lipped security expert with martial arts skills. She is wearing a smart black pantsuit with a white blouse, tan pantyhose and black ankle boots. The boots have a low heel and are practical for running and fighting. Mia has a few subtle piercings in her ears and a small tattoo on her neck.


Chloe is a 21-year-old from a suburb of Chicago. She is studious and serious, and is looking to study law at the college. For the acceptance test, Chloe is wearing a tailored pantsuit with ankle boots with zippers on the back and a crisp white shirt. She has styled her hair in a slick bun, and is wearing minimal makeup. Chloe has a tattoo of a quote from Shakespeare on her wrist, and is wearing sheer black pantyhose with a control top.

then I ask the ai to create a FUNNY story featuring those characters about a certain topic and request to let them act or react in concurrence to their personalities. if the result isn't satisfying I tell the ai to create a revised version of this part of the story starting from a certain points and add requests what should happen. later I request to add dialogue and remarks or ask for more detailed descriptions of items or events.

Perhaps I will open a new section on the site featuring ai-assisted storytelling because in my opinion the stories get better and better with each run Smile
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Stories

Replies: 42
Views: 36,983
intriguing 01-03-2023 00:49 Forum: Art/Other Media

I tried it out and I think this ChatGPT is a fascinating option. First I got lots of childish moral lessons when the ai accused me of asking inappropriate questions. lol
but after a while I learned how I have to ask to get the ai to help create a story.

an example:

Fatima and Sarah were two college students who were members of rival sororities. They had never gotten along and were always trying to one-up each other.

One day, they found themselves in the lobby of their college, both of them trying to outdo the other with their elaborate hairstyles and designer outfits. Fatima was dressed in a simple t-shirt and jeans, but her fashion highlight was a pair of stylish ankle boots.

"Hey Sarah, nice shoes," Fatima said sarcastically, eyeing the bright pink sneakers Sarah was wearing.

"Thanks Fatima, I see you're still wearing that same old dress you've had since freshman year," Sarah shot back.

"At least I don't have to wear my sister's hand-me-downs like you do," Fatima retorted.

As they continued to bicker and tease each other, they accidentally bumped into each other, which led to a playful fight. Fatima pushed Sarah, and Sarah pushed back.

"Come on Fatima, are you really going to try and take me down? You know I can beat you any day of the week," Sarah taunted.

"Oh please, you couldn't take me down if you tried," Fatima replied, rolling her eyes.

As the fight escalated, Fatima decided to up the ante and tried to kick Sarah in the butt. However, she missed and ended up tripping over her own feet.

Sarah saw an opportunity and quickly grabbed Fatima's foot, holding onto it tightly as Fatima tried to keep her balance by awkwardly hopping on one foot.

"Ha! I've got you now Fatima!" Sarah exclaimed, laughing as she held onto Fatima's foot.

"Oh come on Sarah, let me go," Fatima pleaded, trying to wriggle free.

As she held onto Fatima's foot, Sarah had a sudden silly idea. She playfully threatened to pull off Fatima's ankle boot and swiftly unzipped the side of the boot.

To Fatima's surprise and embarrassment, it was revealed that she was wearing a pair of thin tan nylons underneath her boots.

"Hey, what are you doing?!" Fatima protested, trying to pull her foot away.

"I just wanted to see what kind of socks you were wearing," Sarah replied, grinning. "And it looks like you're wearing nylons. How fancy!"

"Oh shut up Sarah, let me go," Fatima laughed, still trying to wriggle free.

Sarah just chuckled and continued to hold onto Fatima's foot, enjoying the silly situation they had found themselves in.

Meanwhile a small crowd of gleeful onlookers had gathered around to watch the two girls playfully fight.

"Pull off the boot! We want to see the nylons!" one of the onlookers shouted.

Fatima blushed and protested, trying to wriggle free from Sarah's grasp. "No way, I'm not showing off my nylons to all of you!"

But Sarah was more than happy to oblige the cheering crowd. "Come on Fatima, it's just a little fun. Let them see your nylons," she teased, still holding onto Fatima's foot tightly.

With a flourish, Sarah yanked off Fatima's boot, revealing her nylon-clad foot to the cheering crowd.

Sarah then passed Fatima's boot to a sorority sister and watched as the girl dashed off with it, much to Fatima's dismay.

"No, don't take my boot! Please bring it back!" Fatima begged, still trying to wriggle free from Sarah's grasp.

Fatima blushed and tried to hide her foot, but Sarah held it up proudly for everyone to see.

"Look at those nylons! So fancy!" Sarah exclaimed, grinning as the crowd cheered and clapped.

One of the onlookers had a suggestion. "Hey, why don't you tickle Fatima's foot? Those thin nylons would make her feet even more ticklish!"

Sarah liked the idea and gleefully turned to Fatima. "Are you ticklish Fatima? And what would you offer to avoid getting tickled?"

Fatima's eyes widened in alarm as she realized she was at Sarah's mercy. "Oh no, please don't tickle me! I'll do anything, just don't tickle me!"

Sarah chuckled and tightened her grip on Fatima's foot. "Well, well. It looks like we have some leverage here. What do you think, should we tickle her?"

The crowd cheered in agreement as Fatima blushed and tried to wriggle free.

With a grin, Sarah began to test Fatima's ticklishness, playfully poking and prodding at her nylon-clad foot.

"Coochie, coochie, coo," Sarah teased, enjoying the look of panic on Fatima's face.

The crowd of onlookers cheered and clapped, enjoying the silly tickle fight between the two girls.

Fatima desperately tried to hold back her laughter, but as Sarah increased the tickling, she couldn't hold out any longer. She burst out in hysteric laughter, trying to pull her foot back and kicking as the two girls ended up rolling on the floor in a tickling fight.

Despite Fatima's best efforts, Sarah never let go of her foot, continuing to tickle her relentlessly. But somehow, Fatima managed to fight back, surprising everyone by managing to pull off one of Sarah's sneakers.

"Hey, watch it Fatima! That's my favorite pair of sneakers," Sarah protested, trying to wriggle free.

But Fatima wasn't about to let go. She used Sarah's lost sneaker as leverage, trying to tickle her even more.

However, this gave another girl the opportunity to snatch Sarah's lost sneaker and dash off with it in another direction. Now both girls were left in just one shoe each, still rolling around on the floor in a fit of giggles.

"Hey, bring back my sneaker!" Sarah protested, still trying to tickle Fatima.

"And my boot!" Fatima added, laughing as they continued to fight.

Despite the loss of their footwear, the two girls couldn't stop laughing and giggling, enjoying the silly tickle fight they had found themselves in.

As the tickle fight between Fatima and Sarah continued, an amused teacher stepped in, ordering the girls to stop the fight.

"What is going on here?" the teacher asked, eyeing the two girls with a mix of curiosity and amusement. "And why do you each only have one shoe?"

Fatima and Sarah looked at each other, trying to come up with an excuse.

"Uh, well, we were just trying to, um, play a game of, uh, shoe hopscotch," Fatima said, trying to sound convincing.

"Yeah, and we got a little carried away and, uh, ended up losing our shoes," Sarah added, trying not to laugh.

The teacher raised an eyebrow, clearly not believing their excuse. "Shoe hopscotch, huh? I've never heard of that game. Care to explain the rules?"

Fatima and Sarah looked at each other, stumped. The crowd of onlookers chuckled and offered their own suggestions.

"Maybe they were playing a game of shoe frisbee?" one of the onlookers suggested.

"Or shoe limbo?" another added.

The teacher chuckled and let go of the topic, shaking her head. "Well, whatever game you were playing, I suggest you be more careful with your footwear next time. Now go retrieve your shoes and get back to class."

As the tickle fight between Fatima and Sarah came to an end, the two girls found themselves in a bit of a predicament. Despite searching high and low, they couldn't find where their shoes were hidden.

"Well, this is just great," Fatima grumbled, looking around for her missing boot. "Where could it be?"

"I don't know, but I can't find my sneaker either," Sarah added, shaking her head.

The two girls looked at each other and burst out laughing. Despite their missing footwear, they couldn't help but find the situation kind of funny.

"I guess we'll just have to go back to class with one shoe each," Fatima chuckled, holding up her bare foot.

"Yeah, and I bet everyone will be mocking and teasing us about it," Sarah added, grinning.

But even as they headed back to class, missing one shoe each, the girls couldn't stop laughing and giggling about their silly tickle fight. They had to admit that it was all just good fun and friendly rivalry.
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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stepping out of her shoe 06-12-2022 11:53 Forum: Other Content

Madam Secretary season 1 (episode 8 or 7):

drunk girl (the older daughter of Madam Secretary) stumbles and involuntarily steps out of her flat shoe in a bar ...

she then quickly slips into her shoe again which happens off camera.
Thread: access to the board

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04-16-2022 18:43 Forum: Announcements

okay, then I'll leave it as it is ...
Thread: access to the board

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RE: access to the board 04-14-2022 19:40 Forum: Announcements

Originally posted by grizzletoad1
Are you saying we may have to have a paid membership to post in future? If that's the case I oppose. One of the joys of this board is the ability to interact with others with a similar interest much the same as I do on other groups. If you want to do something like Facebook does with its groups where you have to be approved by an administartor to join I can get behind that. But restricting access to the board and thus the group is not something I can support. It would be a shame to lose it.

Nope, not like that. in case everyone here is a basic bosArt member anyway (that lifelong membership you have if you ever bought something), only then I would restrict this board for exactly those basic members, using same aMember login used for the blog/shop with no extra payment. As I said, I do not intend to generate more cashflow with this. And I'll only do it if no one from the community complains. So, if you are against it, it's already history :-)
Thread: access to the board

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Views: 111,056
access to the board 04-14-2022 18:53 Forum: Announcements

I am considering to restrict access to the board to basic members. Reason is to increase security by not letting non-members to view anything else but announcements. I don't want to do this to generate more income, so I thought I better ask the community before actually doing this.

Anyone posting here, who is NOT already a lifetime basic member of the main website and therefore would lose access? Anyone here who would prefer keeping this board open for all?
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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Views: 3,935,937
04-13-2022 15:36 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by grizzletoad1
Not complaining. Just cautious considering how crazy the world around us has become and anything can be considered a trigger to some one. I just prefer adult women characters, either real or realistically drawn, to cartoons. And there just seems to be a lot of Japanese anime that shows up here where the characters are most definitely high school aged. With everyone looking for anything on the net to destroy people's lives with, I'm just saying erring on the side of caution is the best policy and I do applaude you, Bosart, for taking the extra step of stating your characters are all considered 18+ years of age.

thanks. The actual statement goes like this: "All targets of sexually motivated and/or fetish oriented activities are of virtual age 18 or older. Content not suitable for minors and therefore restricted for age 18+"

It's a complex topic. I am never really sure how to handle mainstream scenes which are clearly created in a different non-sexually oriented context, specifically if minors are targetting adults like for example in "look who's talking" with the child under the table teasing an adult woman by first taking off her high heeled shoe and then tickling her foot. Although in my opinion such a scene is acceptable - and also would be doable according to my statement because the child is the culprit not the victim - I still would avoid re-creating a scene like that because of the context it is in. Solution for me: I replace the child with an immaturely behaving young adult of 18+ just to be on the safe side even if this person is never being a target. And because immature behavior is more plausible for younger adults, my preferential playground is college or senior high school class which at least in my country definitely means that everyone in it is of age 18+

I don't see an issue with the cartoon that started the discussion. At least in my opinion Olive Oyl is an adult character anyway.
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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Views: 3,935,937
RE: where's the shoe? 04-02-2022 23:56 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by Mandrake
Originally posted by bosArt
snapshot from a shoe store ad (Humanic)

Love her stockings. Do you see her shoe come off? Or is it just a quick shot?

no, that's all. very short sequence. you just see the shoeless foot emerge.
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,368
Views: 3,935,937
where's the shoe? 04-01-2022 10:03 Forum: Other Content

snapshot from a shoe store ad (Humanic)
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,368
Views: 3,935,937
shoe battle - guerra de zapatos 03-10-2022 13:47 Forum: Other Content

never saw this before: a show where girls try to take off a shoe from their opponent. sadly no nylons, just white knee socks or bare feet, mostly sneakers but also some high heels.

Guerra de zapatos ,La cache cache ,frida sofia,la tetanik 28/02/2020
chicas GPi juego a quitar el tenis 03/01/2020
Juego de quitar el tenis chicas-gpi 13/01/2020
Juego a quitar el zapato chicas gpi 16/01/2020
Chicas gpi a quitar el zapato 24/01/2020
Cache cache guerrra de zapatos 27/01/2020
Guerra de zapatos la cache cache gpi 07/02/2020
Guerra de zapatos chicas gpi 17/02/2020
Juego de gpi la looca vs ceniciienta descuido upsk 30/12/2019
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