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Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,352
Views: 3,776,565
04-21-2024 17:14 Forum: Other Content

Very nice. And wearing a hat too. Excellent.
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,142
04-20-2024 21:11 Forum: Other Content

Pants! My God! Don't women wear skirts anymore?
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,352
Views: 3,776,565
04-19-2024 04:39 Forum: Other Content

Total agreement in as far as I really do not like situations where the woman is in pants when they lose a shoe. This includes shorts and skorts (I HATE those as they make you think it's a skirt). Woman has to be in a skirt or a dress and in heels or a nice sexy pair of booties. Pants just sour the whole thing for me. As soon as I see a clip featuring a woman in pants, I usually just skip right past it. I'm just so tired of women not dressing like women anymore. Pantsuits are disgusting. All I see is Hillary Clinton when a woman comes on screne in a pantsuit.Yuch!!! They just don't wear skirts anymore it seems.
Thread: Interesting Composition

Replies: 1
Views: 26,965
01-25-2024 20:18 Forum: Art/Other Media

And you had to know one with a hat was coming!
Thread: Another Cinderella Drawing

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Views: 7,102
Another Cinderella Drawing 01-25-2024 19:51 Forum: Art/Other Media

Of course, we can never get enough of the girl that started it all when it comes to shoe loss, can we?
Thread: Interesting Composition

Replies: 1
Views: 26,965
Interesting Composition 01-25-2024 19:49 Forum: Art/Other Media

Found this on the net. It's both interesting and different.
Thread: Non AI Generated Shoe Loss Stories

Replies: 10
Views: 22,655
01-17-2024 06:27 Forum: Art/Other Media

Put her in a nice skirt instead of pants and you got a winner there.
Thread: Lois Lane In One Heel

Replies: 0
Views: 29,761
Lois Lane In One Heel 12-28-2023 05:58 Forum: Other Content

Here's an interesting little tid bit featuring our favorite nosy reporter and her "Super" friend. Enjoy.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,412
12-24-2023 02:57 Forum: Other Content

Yes. From what I've learned about film, I understand that, according to union rules, if a director does not like a project the way the studio execs interferred or edited it, he can take his name off the project. But the union rules for writers are different. Even if a writer's script is so changed by a director, producer, or other studio wonks so that not one word he wrote is spoken on film by the actors, no matter how much the writer protests, he CANNOT take his name off the project. It's forever associated with him, which could be crippling to his career. How Ellison was able to change his name is a new wrinkle to me. He must have had more juice than the regular writer. I tell you, Starlost was as I remember it pretty bad. It was even done on video tape, which gave it a real cheesey look and gave the show a kid's show appearance. Sad to hear the original concept was so much better.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,412
12-23-2023 17:12 Forum: Other Content

I remember Starlost. It was aired here in the States, but I think it was early, before Prime Time started about 7:30 or so. Didn't know Ellison was behind that. Honestly, they did him wrong. That show was not good an was off the air pretty quickly.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,412
12-23-2023 03:37 Forum: Other Content

Yes they probably pieced the best takes together since the low budget the show had to work with wouldn't allow much else. It would be neat to see if the loss of Collins' shoe was supposed to be the catalyst of her trip and fall in the scene and that they used her walking one-shoed up the stairs from that take in conjunction with a non-shoeloss sequence as she trips. Wonder if the shoe loss sequence survies somewhere as it seems anything Star Trek was saved and archived by its extensive and dedicated fanbase. Would be neat to see the "footage" of Collins tripping and losing her shoe just as Shatner catches her to keep her from falling. Of course what happend to her shoe afterward? About Harlan fighting with the producers over any changes, I back him. As a supposed "writer" myself, I understand fully how he would feel after putting his heart and soul into a project only to see someone with no skin in the game come along and change things to suit their "vision" of the story. There was a big change that I agreed with, however. The ending where Shatner has to let Collins get hit by the truck. Harland wrote it to have Nimoy stop Shatner from saving her, but it was changed to the more impactful having Shatner stop DeForrest Kelly from saving her, leaving Nimoy to say his iconic line, "He knows, Doctor. He knows." Fantasitic episode.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,412
Star Trek Shoe Loss 12-22-2023 21:13 Forum: Other Content

In perhaps the greatest episode of the classic science fiction television series Star Trek, The City On The Edge Of Forever, gorgious Joan Colins has a very brief one-shoe moment. In the episode, she becomes romantically involved with William Shatner's iconic Captain Jim Kirk. I'm not going to get into the particulars of the story as they are just to complex and time consuming for this post. In the episode, she stumbles on a flight of stairs, almost falling to her possible death, but Kirk catches her. After thanking him for saving her, she climbs back up the stairs and you can clearly see she has lost her right shoe. You never see it come off, nor does she comment on the fact she has lost her shoe, but it's definitely off as she climbs the stairs and turns out of site at the top. I don't have a screen capture but the incident happens near the end of the episode, best estimate about the 50 minute mark, maybe a few minutes earlier. You have to watch closely because it only lasts a second or two.
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,142
11-20-2023 06:41 Forum: Other Content

Most links don't work.
Thread: AI Generated Shoe Loss Art

Replies: 21
Views: 87,989
11-10-2023 04:05 Forum: Other Content

Could I take one of my Photoshop creations of my main female character from my novel and make some kind of animation with her? This would be a future project as I already have too many irons in the fire at once right now.
Thread: Flight Of The Raven

Replies: 4
Views: 71,451
11-07-2023 06:41 Forum: Other Content

Had a little fun with Photoshop and put her in what I think were better looking shoes for the time period. Even broke her heel if you look close. I don't think wedges were a thing in 1944. What do you think?
Thread: Flight Of The Raven

Replies: 4
Views: 71,451
RE: Flight Of The Raven 11-07-2023 04:20 Forum: Other Content

Odd that the scene I originally found shows her with her left shoe off. Must have been transposed somwhere.
Thread: Flight Of The Raven

Replies: 4
Views: 71,451
RE: Flight Of The Raven 11-07-2023 04:18 Forum: Other Content

Wow! I scanned through the novel and that one shoe sequence was incredible! Just like my main female character in my novel winds up one-shoed, although she never gets a new pair of shoes! Love how the girl also seems to hang onto her hat throughout until near the end, but winds up with a new one after giving hers to the male lead in the story (Very French thing to do!) I might actually buy the novel now to put in my archive and read more thouroughly at a later point. One thing: she breaks her heel on page 17 of the story, but I never saw where she threw her broken shoe away. Was there a page where that was shown? Anyway, this certainly qualifies as a real gem.
Thread: Flight Of The Raven

Replies: 4
Views: 71,451
Flight Of The Raven 11-06-2023 17:41 Forum: Other Content

Here's an interesting find from a graphic novel about a female French resistance fighter. There seem to be a few stills from the novel with her picking along the rooftop with only one shoe on and the cover has her climbing some kind of precarious ladder. This picture is not a shoe loss per se, but she has her shoe off to comfort what looks like a sore foot. Wonder if the shoe slides off that pitched roof, leaving her in one shoe afterwards?
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,142
10-22-2023 03:09 Forum: Other Content

Always facinated by how the woman first loses her shoe. Is that shown in the film? The clip begins post shoe loss.
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,142
10-12-2023 19:31 Forum: Other Content

Only the last link works. Nothing else.
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