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Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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04-22-2024 16:11 Forum: Other Content

Pity it's sort of short, however. You don't see her with one shoe off and one on for very long, just the closeup when she takes her foot out. After that, her feet and legs are blocked by the stairs/camera angle. And when he gets to her room, she's already taken the other heel off (and when he puts the one he took from her back on, her other foot is out of the shot again.)
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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04-07-2024 03:16 Forum: Other Content

Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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04-04-2024 14:13 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by Nopperabo
Some time ago, I mentioned another piece of Classical art featuring a shoe loss (besides The Swing.) and said I'd post it if it ever showed up again. I has (still don't know what it is called though.)

Found it again as a porcelain figurine. And at least we have a possible name here, In Der Not (the Knight), and a name Voigt Retter (still nothing online, though).

Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,352
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03-23-2024 00:34 Forum: Other Content

Speaking of Tarzan, I just found another stage version with boot removal (which, as I said, is rare in the stage one.) (26:00). It's not as long as most (for some reason, Jane is already in her "jungle dress" by the time she gets back to camp, and stays in it for the whole rest of the performance.)

And another. Though again, it's shortened; Jane has her boot back by the time they get to the camp (if they aren't going to include the "daddy, they took my boot line", the debooting is being done by Tarzan (like here) and they are on the ground, there really is no reason she WOULDN'T retrieve her boot before leaving; it's just lying there on the ground. And, from a staging POV there would be a good reason to have the actress do that; less chance of getting injured by either stepping on a splinter on the state with her stocking foot or tripping due to trying to move around in one heel and twisting her ankle. No one will really be able to see the actresses feet much past the third or fourth row anyway (probably why they switched it to losing her skirt from the Broadway play in the first place), so keeping the actress in one boot is probably not worth the potential suing.)
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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03-22-2024 07:06 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by Mandrake
Originally posted by FootsieFan357
For those who wanted Jane from Disney's Tarzan to still be wearing her stocking:

Nice! Just wish her stockings weren't ripped. Several years ago I captured every frame of that scene, from the moment her boot comes off, to the end of the tree scene. My plan was to try an edit each frame in photoshop and then insert it back into the film. I gave up on the project before I even finished the first frame. I just couldn't get it to look good and realized that it would take hundreds of hours to finish. Maybe if AI gets better and less restrictive I'll be able to get it finished.

While I'd also prefer unripped, from a logical POV, if her cotton gloves got damaged on the trip (remember, the glove Tarzan takes off her hand is missing a few fingertips,) then a (presumably) silk stocking wouldn't have a chance of getting out unmarred. One tooth or claw from the baboon, or just rubbing against the tree bark when she tries to walk, and holes would start developing (and, in all likelihood, by the time she had finished her whole recounting and gotten to the bit where she puts her food up, the entire bottom would be gone.)
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,352
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02-08-2024 01:03 Forum: Other Content

Some time ago, I mentioned another piece of Classical art featuring a shoe loss (besides The Swing.) and said I'd post it if it ever showed up again. I has (still don't know what it is called though.)
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

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01-13-2024 02:20 Forum: Other Content

I think it may be a byproduct of the culture. In a culture where taking your shoes off when you enter a home is the norm, and it is considered preferable to do so without using your hands, people are going to probably wear looser shoes. Looser shoes = more times they fall off.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,422
12-24-2023 15:41 Forum: Other Content

Oh, he pulled that trick a LOT. He also did it when he wrote an episode of "The Flying Nun" for some quick cash.
Not that he's the only noted writer to dip into that. Gore Vidal did an episode of McHale's Navy, Ingmar Bergman did some soap commercials and so on.

It is, of course, also super common in book writing. Henry C' Tubb used the name Lewis Padgett , since he thought people would look down on a noted astronomer doing sci-fi writing for the "pulps" (I imagine this idea changed after Fred Hoyle, the British Astronomer Royal, wrote "The Black Cloud") . Stephen King put some of his stuff out under a pseudonym because his publisher thought he'd lose revenue if they oversaturated the market with books by him.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,422
12-23-2023 23:57 Forum: Other Content

Worse than you think. The original "bible" he wrote for first episode, Phoenix without Ashes, later won an award as one of the BEST screenplays of the decade.

And you don't know because he got so sick he insisted his name get taken off. If you see anything credited to "Cordwainer Bird", that means Ellison did it, and didn't like the results.
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

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Views: 49,422
12-23-2023 15:43 Forum: Other Content

If you can find it (I don't remember which collection of his it was in) you should read his account of trying to do the Sci-Fi show "The Starlost" for CBC, and how it basically put him off doing screenwriting unless he was guaranteed full creative control. Some of the things they tried to do were ridiculous like filming what was supposed to be a fifty mile across area as two miles (to save budget) and then deciding to re-write the script so it was two miles there as well (which would make the premise of the scene ridiculous) or deciding to reveal the Maguffin of the whole show (the Engine and Navigation Room) by episode 2 and say it was okay because "they still need to find the backup engine", because they thought a backup engine meant an engine in the back of the ship.

No wonder Ellison grew to mostly hate TV (and wrote the two "Glass Teat" books to show it.)
Thread: Star Trek Shoe Loss

Replies: 7
Views: 49,422
12-22-2023 23:34 Forum: Other Content

There's a reason you don't see it. It wasn't on purpose, and they did multiple takes of that scene, then spliced together the best bit from each one. Literally no one noticed the disconnect until the episode made it to air. I assume Harlan was furious (Harlan Ellison, who wrote that episode (and got awards for it as the all time best written episode of the original series) was famous for being both a perfectionist and an enfant terrible when dealing with producers (since he wouldn't "sell out" and just blindly say yes to whatever they wanted to change while letting them use his name to gain legitimacy).
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,253
11-20-2023 14:06 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by grizzletoad1
Most links don't work.

I had the same problem, initially (or, at least, all I was getting was a series of adds and then video clips that were obviously not the ones intended). Try clicking on them IN the copy in the quote, that seemed to work (unless your problem is different from mine.)
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

Replies: 2,352
Views: 3,777,199
11-18-2023 23:58 Forum: Other Content
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
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10-16-2023 14:10 Forum: Other Content

They work now, they weren't working when it was posted.
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,253
10-05-2023 13:40 Forum: Other Content
Thread: Shoe Loss in Cartoons, Games, Movies, and Comics MegaThread

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09-26-2023 14:44 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by Mandrake

Unless there are two Chinese ladies on Youtube who like hiding their faces behind cellphones, I think this may be the same person who did this

one or two of her other videos feature brief shoe removals, but none are as long or detailed as these ones.
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

Replies: 85
Views: 246,581
08-15-2023 04:56 Forum: Other Content

Looks like the pigtailed girl can do a DOUBLE shoe kick. (1:1Cool
Thread: Asian woman/Sci fi

Replies: 305
Views: 629,253
07-19-2023 23:24 Forum: Other Content
Thread: Live Action Jane Porter

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Views: 14,539
07-01-2023 00:10 Forum: Other Content

Of course, there's no guarantee they'll include the boot loss scene in the live action movie. They didn't in the Broadway Musical (Jane lost her dress there, not her boot.) It'd actually be a bit of a tough piece to do since it would be a CGI character (the baboon) interacting directly with a live action one (Jane). They've done it several times before, but it's still not the easiest thing to pull off effectively.
Thread: Games where girls lose their shoes

Replies: 85
Views: 246,581
06-27-2023 00:42 Forum: Other Content

Originally posted by Mandrake
Originally posted by Nopperabo
This Japanese fighting game seems to have at least two characters who kick off their shoe as an attack.

Nice find! I think all the characters (except the one without shoes) can kick their shoes off and it looks like they are used a projectiles. Really cute.

After going through a few more clips, it looks like all of the characters who wear school uniforms can, but the ones that don't (the swimsuit girl, the cheerleader and the one dressed in street clothes) can't (probably the game designers made it that way since they are wearing tied and laced sneakers, not slip on penny loafers.)
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