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PBJ's (sorry having trouble finding the marble one) 18 ) (2:18 ) sorry it's in german (2:15)

I figured out the marbe episode is called "The Big Sweep" but there seems to be no video of it up.

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by Nopperabo: 03-20-2012 04:40.

03-20-2012 04:33 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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A BBC show that aired a couple years back called Over the Rainbow was basically a talent show to find the perfect actress to play Dorothy in Andrew Lloyd Webber's upcoming Wizard of Oz musical. The awesome thing about this show is that each time a girl was eliminated at the end of an episode, she had to take off her shoes and give it to the girl she lost to. Then she goes up in a moon in her socked feet singing somewhere over the rainbow. So every episode, you had shoe loss. Here's one of them:

03-20-2012 05:26 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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potk my PM's on again nice avatar is it Canan again I presume. Who's your favourite model by the way.
03-20-2012 18:11 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by omega
potk my PM's on again nice avatar is it Canan again I presume. Who's your favourite model by the way.

Cool; no it's Aynur now.

Favourite model I actually can't say, there are too many. Big Grin

EDIT:'re PMs still aren't on for some reason.


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03-20-2012 18:11 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List
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Try again It's on now for sure.
03-20-2012 18:17 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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Yep, it works now. Big Grin


03-20-2012 18:17 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List


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[quote]Originally posted by omega
I actually don't remember a loss in Replacements.

But there are plenty more losses on the disney channel

There was another one shoe scene in Filmore.(11:00)

" target="_blank">

Wish ingrid lost her shoe in a chase scene.

Edit: Sorry about the link I'll fix that steel it was ep10 I rememb in the wizard vs werewolf Alex loses her shoe at the end quote]

Found them (very beginnging)
03-20-2012 21:38 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Apart from the fanfic of Bleach where Orihime loses her shoe have you ever written a story with shoe loss.

Edit: Anyone find the design for the model Lola a bit weird since she's got one boot. I wonder how she could lose one of those boots in the first place or did she only have one to begin with.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by omega: 03-21-2012 19:53.

03-21-2012 19:47 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by omega
Apart from the fanfic of Bleach where Orihime loses her shoe have you ever written a story with shoe loss.

Edit: Anyone find the design for the model Lola a bit weird since she's got one boot. I wonder how she could lose one of those boots in the first place or did she only have one to begin with.

What model?

As for the story question, several (though as I am a very lazy writer, whose wrist tire easily, Im not sure if they are any finished ones. There'd probably be more but I am pretty strict about my writing rules, I will only put in a shoe loss if it makes logical sense in the story and can be put to interesting use. To do otherwise I consider bad writing, done for no other purpose than to satisfy desire, which I consider unacceptable (it's sorta like the difference between erotica and porn). The Orihime one I did in part becuse I though it would be a funny scene to see Captain Saijin suddenly start acting like a dog agaist his character (there's a series of great fanarts on Deviant exploring exactly this issue, showing Saijin doing things like playing fetch, using a fire hydrant etc). In others; in one of my Oz stories, Dorothy loses one of her Mary Janes (actually has it dissolve off her foot) as a result of stepping into a kind of magic grass planted around a village which was there to repel a kind of grain eating bird moster (which happens to have leather for skin) which is of some small sigificance to the plot (due to what that particular pair of shoes symbolized to Dorothy). my "Regenesis" PPG fic has a bit near the beginning where Buttercup loses one of her shoes (along with her tight leg) escaping from a mechanical monster (oh and sorry Omega (and Mandrake) she'd only semil shod for maybe half a chapter, she gets a new set of tights and a pair of sneakers by the beginning of the next one.) And while there are no actual one shoe scenes in it, one of my Inuyasha fanfics involves a few scenes where it becomes apparant that Inuyahsa has chewed up pairs of Kagome's shoes on more than one occasion).
03-21-2012 21:46 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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any tips on writing a shoe loss fanfic?
03-21-2012 22:47 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List


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Only the one I have mentioned, make sure it is logical and organic to the story. Don't just "shoehorn" (pardon the pun) the loss in. Avoid re-hashes of Cinderella; they're trite and usually require a level of suspension of disbelif that is hard to pull off (doing versions with ordinary shoes falls into the trap of the fact that there are thousands of people with the same foot size, and probably dozens of pairs of shoes that look just like those, so the "only one girl can fit the slipper" concept loses credibility . Consider the type of shoe versus the form of loss (don't have a character tripping out of a calf length skin tight boot, it does not happen). Skip the "took off her shoe to throw it at someone or something" trope, again, it's been over used. If the shoes in question are high heeled, do NOT set it up so that the character, after losing one, decides to keep the other one on, that basically makes no sense.
03-22-2012 00:23 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Cool, I'd like to read your stories, Nop. Are they available to read anywhere? In addition to what Nopperabo said, I would add a few more tips.

1. Keep your sentences short. A lot of beginning writers tend to write a lot of long run on sentences. These can be difficult to read. If you find yourself using a lot of commas and parentheses, it's probably a good idea to rethink your sentence structure and divide up your long sentence into a few shorter sentences. This way it's much easier on the reader and flows a lot better.

2. Don't make paragraphs too long. This is sort of related the to the above tip. You want to avoid writing a big wall of text. Not only is this hard for the reader to follow, but it actually can cause a lot of eye strain. You want to make the story as accessable as possible to the reader (and to yourself).

3. Despite what Nopperabo said earlier, I think it's important you remember who your target audience is. For example, if you want to write a story that is written for people who share a fetish (like my stories), you should make an effort to try and include something that involves that fetish. Don't be afraid to spend some time indulging in it and spicing it up with details and suspense. After all, that's probably why your target audience is reading it.

4. On the other hand, I do agree with Nopperabo in that one thing you should try to avoid is writing a story that is gimmicky and nonsensical. Basically, there should be more to the story than just focusing on your fanservice and fetish focus. This means that "normal people" should be able to enjoy the story as well. Fan service/fetish focus should serve the story, rather than the other way around. So even though you might be writing your story for a specific audience, an effort should also be made to make the story accessable to a wider audience as well. The balance between the above tip and this one can be a difficult one to reach, but it can be done.

5. Don't write yourself into a corner. If you plan on possibly having sequels to your story, or you plan on releasing your story episodically (like my stories) try not to "overwrite" in a way that will make it difficult to continue the story later. If you add too many plot or character elements you'll actually limit where the story can go. You should try to leave enough room for your characters and plot to grow, so avoid extraneous details when you can.

6. Try to outline your story before you start. You don't even have to write out an outline, having one in your head is often good enough. But writing it out is a better idea, especially for longer story arcs. It will give you an idea of where your story is going and will make it easier to plant the seeds for future events that you haven't written yet. Good planning always makes for good writing.
03-22-2012 01:19 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Originally posted by Mandrake
Cool, I'd like to read your stories, Nop. Are they available to read anywhere? In addition to what Nopperabo said, I would add a few more tips.

1. Keep your sentences short. A lot of beginning writers tend to write a lot of long run on sentences. These can be difficult to read. If you find yourself using a lot of commas and parentheses, it's probably a good idea to rethink your sentence structure and divide up your long sentence into a few shorter sentences. It's much easier on the reader and flows better.

2. Don't make paragraphs too long. This is sort of related the to the above tip. You want to avoid writing a big wall text. Not only is this hard for the reader to follow, but it actually can cause a lot of eye strain. You want to make the story as accessable as possible to the reader (and to yourself).

3. Although I agree with Nopperabo in that the shoe loss should make sense, and should not be "shoe-horned" for no reason, I think you should also remember who your target audience is. If you want to write a story that is written for people who share this fetish, you should make an effort to try and include something that involves that fetish. You can still have a story that focuses on shoe loss, but you need to be careful not to make it too gimmicky and nonsensical. Basically, there should be more to the story than just the fetish focus to keep people engaged. And like Nopperabo said, it should still make sense and fit the plot in a logical way.

4. Don't write yourself into a corner. If you plan on possibly having sequels to your story, try not to "overwrite" yourself in a way that will make it difficult to continue the story later. If you add too many plot or character elements you'll actually limit where the story can go later. You should try to leave enough room for your characters and plot to grow, so avoid extraneous details when you can.

5. Try to outline your story before you start. You don't even have to write out an outline, having one in your head is often good enough. But writing it out can be a good idea, especially for longer story arcs. It will give you an idea of where your story is going and will make it easier to plant the seeds for future events that you plan on writing. Good planning always makes for good writing. that case, is there anything here that I can improve on? Big Grin

Originally posted by Nopperabo
Avoid re-hashes of Cinderella; they're trite and usually require a level of suspension of disbelif that is hard to pull off.

My next story is basically one of these (albeit I actually plan to make a sequel to it whenever I can and want to throw things through a loop over the traditional storyline) minus the "only one person can fit it" element.


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by potk: 03-22-2012 02:02.

03-22-2012 02:01 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List
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quote: that case, is there anything here that I can improve on? Big Grin

Potk, I think your stories are great the way they are. I kind of wish you would indulge a bit more on the shoe loss with some nice juicy details and character reactions, but you already do a damn good job of this so I can't complain. I guess, as a shoe loss fetishist, my appetite for that kind of thing is insatiable. I've edited/improved those tips since you quoted them so you might want to check them out again. I also put them up on my DA page.


My next story is basically one of these (albeit I actually plan to make a sequel to it whenever I can and want to throw things through a loop over the traditional storyline) minus the "only one person can fit it" element.

If you think you have a good and original twist on it, I say go for it. It's only overdone if it's always told the same way. There's always new and interesting ways to adapt a story.
03-22-2012 02:23 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Originally posted by Mandrake
quote: that case, is there anything here that I can improve on? Big Grin

Potk, I think your stories are great the way they are. I kind of wish you would indulge a bit more on the shoe loss with some nice juicy details and character reactions, but you already do a damn good job of this so I can't complain. I guess, as a shoe loss fetishist, my appetite for that kind of thing is insatiable.

Ah, ok. That's all I needed to know. Big Grin

Originally posted by Mandrake

My next story is basically one of these (albeit I actually plan to make a sequel to it whenever I can and want to throw things through a loop over the traditional storyline) minus the "only one person can fit it" element.

If you think you have a good and original twist on it, I say go for it. It's only overdone if it's always told the same way. There's always new and interesting ways to adapt a story.

My first thought was trying to make it original as possible, although still pay a good amount of tribute to the story, which is why it's taking me so long to finish it (I don't think I'm halfway through it, and this may be the longest story yet). Not to mention I already have an idea for a sequel to it.


This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by potk: 03-22-2012 02:29.

03-22-2012 02:29 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by Mandrake
Cool, I'd like to read your stories, Nop. Are they available to read anywhere?

Not at the moment. When I said "my wrists tire easily" I meant it; more than five or so minutes if hard typing and I'm basically useless for weeks (and when I have ideas, them tend to go flowing for a long time). Add on that I tend to type so fast that the amount of spelling and grammar errors become a serios problem, go back and correct them and I lose the flow of my thoughts, don't and I have no idea what I was trying to say when I come back. At some point I shoudl probably really get myself something like Dragon, that would solve a lot of problems. Plus I tend to write myself into serios corners. Actually I tend to write myself into the exact same corner, I tend to end up writing the same character into every story, the villain who is completely ommnipotent and utterly evil (and that's thier primary quality), the stories tend to sort of peter out from there. I suppose the most complete bit I've gotten is the bit in my Guide to the Lands; If I can remember which datastick I have it on, I'll try and send it to you.

Found it. If the text seems a little brief and stilted, bear in mind the work it comes from is not a story so much as a sort of travel guide to the world I was working on (and yes this is the only shoe related bit in there)

SHOES, customs and superstitions

As with prectically every other human culture knows numerous superstions and customs invoving shoes may be found amongs the people of the Stattered Lands. One of the best reasearched are the varios ritulalistic uses of shoes amoung the Dagandi of the Southern, more temperate climes. In this area it one of the most fundamental rituals is the “sending of graceâ€, which consists of lighting a fire of holy wood on the temples altar in which is burnt the right shoe of each unmarried daughter of the family invovled in the ritual. The ashes of this fire are belived to be imbued with grace and are a key part of further portions of the ceremoinies in which the rite is carried out. Custom dictates that the girls participating in the ritual therafter wear no shoe on thier right foot (but to still have thier left foot shod) until such time as a new part of shoes is cobbled for them, which by custon cannnot take place until at least the next full moon after the performace of the ceremony (unless a further performace of the ceremony is slated to ocur for the family before this time has elapsed) Since this ritual is performed for weddings (the couples union being consumated by having the sacred ashes thrown on them) births (the new baby is annointed in water containg the ashes). Funerals (the ashes are poured upon the deceased just before the coffin is closed) and the building a of a new house or other structure (the ashes being mixed into the mortar) it is hardly unusual for a young maiden's wedding to be the very first time that she actaully wears two shoes for any extended period of time. As a final note it is intersting to notice that the Nortern Asrild do not practice the ritual; though they retain paractically all other relegous customs of the Dagani from whom the descend (in Asrild tradion the holy ashes derive from the wood alone). Climate is probably the reason for the loss of this custom(the Nothern areas having very severe winters), this theory being borne out by legends to the efect that when the Asrild first settled in the lands north a demon came which chilled them and soon cause the maiden's right feet to blacken and die (a rather garbleds account of severe frostbite most likely)

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by Nopperabo: 03-22-2012 17:11.

03-22-2012 04:26 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Thanks a lot for the tips guys I'll make sure to remember to use them while writing, I'm a little surprised that there haven't been many shoe loss fanfics since the amount of people into shoe loss and pop culture is not a small one. I guess it's because it take time and effort to write one though I've seen plenty of tickle fanfics. They've got shoe loss but I immediately lose interest a soon as the character loses the second shoe and gets tickled like in.

Anyway this could be the place where shoe loss fanfics become more frequent.

I wonder if there are guys out there in japan with a similar fetish as us there probably are but in fewer number than in western countries. There are manga's about nearly everything except shoe loss fetishism which is something I'd love to see that. Maybe something like the Nylondon comics in manga style.

Oh yeah speaking of asian fetishism what is up with korean dramas and shoe loss/removal it's not that I don't like it just that I haven't seen these sort of thing pop up so frequently in any form of media. Any ideas why?


Here's some more finds

Here's one with Miku Hatsune I still wonder why she appears so much in one shoe.

Edit: Love Sayaka's Sailor Mar's cosplay I hope to see lose a shoe in that outfit very soon.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by omega: 03-23-2012 20:20.

03-23-2012 20:06 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by omega
I wonder if there are guys out there in japan with a similar fetish as us there probably are but in fewer number than in western countries. There are manga's about nearly everything except shoe loss fetishism which is something I'd love to see that. Maybe something like the Nylondon comics in manga style.

That'd be nice; maybe someday... Big Grin

Originally posted by omega
Oh yeah speaking of asian fetishism what is up with korean dramas and shoe loss/removal it's not that I don't like it just that I haven't seen these sort of thing pop up so frequently in any form of media. Any ideas why?

Given how often it happens in dramas, I think that it's most likely a metaphor for something than it is fetishism (although it can be both), or have to do with fortunes/luck.


03-23-2012 20:25 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by potk
Originally posted by omega
I wonder if there are guys out there in japan with a similar fetish as us there probably are but in fewer number than in western countries. There are manga's about nearly everything except shoe loss fetishism which is something I'd love to see that. Maybe something like the Nylondon comics in manga style.

That'd be nice; maybe someday... Big Grin

You'd think so, but based on what I have seen, there doesn't seem to be. I think part of the problem is that since, in Japanese culture, people take off thier shoes anyway under so many circunstances, it's just part of normal life, and therfore it's a little hard to get a good fetish base up. It'd be a bit like trying to sell a breast fetish comic in a tribe where the women go around topless daily anyway, or trying to sell a manga today that focused on an ear fetish (quite common in the Medival period) In one of the Japanese manga series I check on, there are maybe 20-30 volumes with shoe loss/removal/single shoe pictures. That sound like a lot, until you consider that that series currently has something like 2200 volumes were talking about all comics by a publisher, not of a single storyline. And no, sorry, I don't remember which 20-30 they were.
That being said, there is hope. The sheer causalness of shoe removal in Japan means that there is ample stuff in anime if you look hard enough (the fact that danbooru even has a tag line for single shoe is ample proof of that). Throwing thier shoe is a pretty common manga trope for girls to indicate their displeasure. And the fact that, in Japanese culture, it is considered better if you take your shoes off and put them on without using your hands (since the whole point is that they are dirty), a lot of anime characters wear thier shoes loose, and losses due to tripping are common. The fact shoes are considered dirty also means that a fair number of Japanese people (and by extension Japanese anime and manga characters) will leave thier shoe on the ground if raisng up thier leg/foot (say, while sitting).
Finally there is in fact a genre where single shoe pictures are fairly common; the area of "pillow friends" (those life size anime pillow cases that are sold to be put on human size pillows.) single shoe pictures are pretty common on the "cleaner" side of those (the side where the characters still have most of thier clothes). A trip around ebay, or danbooru (look for paired long narrow pictures, side by side) will yield many (I'd post a few, but I have a policy of not posting or linking any picture that might be NSFW or inappropritae for viewing by casual observers) For those confined to translated manga, I seem to recall Sgt. Frog being rich in shoe loss pics, I think there was one in most of the volumes between 5-10).

Originally posted by omega
Oh yeah speaking of asian fetishism what is up with korean dramas and shoe loss/removal it's not that I don't like it just that I haven't seen these sort of thing pop up so frequently in any form of media. Any ideas why?

Given how often it happens in dramas, I think that it's most likely a metaphor for something than it is fetishism (although it can be both), or have to do with fortunes/luck. [/quote]

Sorta. Korea is really culturally into western fairy tales, so there are a lot of cinderella based plots and red shoe based plots in Korean drama. Koreans also take thier shoes off when they go inside. And yes shoe removal does have a bit to do with fortunes. your shoes are considered a metaphor for you life (they are what you walk the path of life on), change, remove them and you change yours.
Shoe removal/ Single shoe pictures have meant different things in different cultures. To the ancient greeks one sandal on and one sandal off sybolized "death or glory", your last no retreat battle (remember Jason and the Argonauts) in a lot of Medival and Rennesaince art, the removal of shoes indicated that sometihng sacred was going on. In the colonial period, painting a portrait of a child with one shoe on indicated said child was desceased and the picture was being done postumously (it represented a return to the natural state). This extended to the early phograph days; if you see an old photo of a little kid posed with one shoe on, it's probably a composite of a child who died, with a old photo of the kid placed on a stock body (if you see one of a child who looks like he's sleeping with one shoe off, that may actually be an autopsy photo saved by the parents. The Victorians were weird like that. Illustrations from this period often use it just to indicate innocence. In a lot of art, shoe dangling/removal indicates the woman is getting confortable, and possibly the opening overtures of sexual congress (or why it's so common on the "pillow friends_.
03-23-2012 23:16 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Nopperabo
You'd think so, but based on what I have seen, there doesn't seem to be. I think part of the problem is that since, in Japanese culture, people take off thier shoes anyway under so many circunstances, it's just part of normal life, and therfore it's a little hard to get a good fetish base up. It'd be a bit like trying to sell a breast fetish comic in a tribe where the women go around topless daily anyway, or trying to sell a manga today that focused on an ear fetish (quite common in the Medival period) In one of the Japanese manga series I check on, there are maybe 20-30 volumes with shoe loss/removal/single shoe pictures. That sound like a lot, until you consider that that series currently has something like 2200 volumes were talking about all comics by a publisher, not of a single storyline. And no, sorry, I don't remember which 20-30 they were.

That being said, there is hope. The sheer causalness of shoe removal in Japan means that there is ample stuff in anime if you look hard enough (the fact that danbooru even has a tag line for single shoe is ample proof of that). Throwing thier shoe is a pretty common manga trope for girls to indicate their displeasure. And the fact that, in Japanese culture, it is considered better if you take your shoes off and put them on without using your hands (since the whole point is that they are dirty), a lot of anime characters wear thier shoes loose, and losses due to tripping are common. The fact shoes are considered dirty also means that a fair number of Japanese people (and by extension Japanese anime and manga characters) will leave thier shoe on the ground if raisng up thier leg/foot (say, while sitting).

Finally there is in fact a genre where single shoe pictures are fairly common; the area of "pillow friends" (those life size anime pillow cases that are sold to be put on human size pillows.) single shoe pictures are pretty common on the "cleaner" side of those (the side where the characters still have most of thier clothes). A trip around ebay, or danbooru (look for paired long narrow pictures, side by side) will yield many (I'd post a few, but I have a policy of not posting or linking any picture that might be NSFW or inappropritae for viewing by casual observers) For those confined to translated manga, I seem to recall Sgt. Frog being rich in shoe loss pics, I think there was one in most of the volumes between 5-10).

LOL i didn't expect such a big response. I should probably just say now that I am actually planning on doing this sort of thing later on after my stories are done, but this time it'll be using original characters that I've created.


03-23-2012 23:29 potk is offline Send an Email to potk Homepage of potk Search for Posts by potk Add potk to your Buddy List
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