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very nice class room shoe loss accident. I guess this is a mixture of a very short live capture of a surprised teacher and some later added footage ...

classroom accident

have fun ...
12-03-2014 12:02 bosArt is offline Send an Email to bosArt Search for Posts by bosArt Add bosArt to your Buddy List
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12-07-2014 19:46 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List

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Not a *loss*, but the girl here ends up with one boot on, one boot off.
Includes foot massage in opaque tights (!) and a carry scene:


removing boots, heels and masks - just for the shame of it
12-13-2014 08:50 BatMad is offline Send an Email to BatMad Homepage of BatMad Search for Posts by BatMad Add BatMad to your Buddy List
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[quote]Originally posted by BatMad
Not a *loss*, but the girl here ends up with one boot on, one boot off.
Includes foot massage in opaque tights (!) and a carry scene:


Nice find and I love those lase up boots]
12-13-2014 13:31 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List


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Hi all.

Out of boredom I decided to try my hand at a few picture manipulations, to see how easy it was to do them or more accurately to do them in a matter that would please my rather, restrictive rules (in simple terms, I don't like the effect of just making blobby draw overs with MS paint, or bad erasures. To please me, a manipulation has to look as much as possible as if it ISN'T a manipulation, as if that was how it was drawn originally.) Having done a few I will say to the credit of those who have done so, it is a LOR harder than I though it would be. But on the whole I'm surprisingly happy with the results I got


Original (unchanged) (this is the only one I'm putting the original up for)

"Corrected" by me for textual accuracy

Few from Alices

"Pardon me Mr. Mock Turtle and Griffin, have you seen my other shoe?"

Well, If you won't give it back, I'm done with you!

"No I LIKE to only wear one"

Alice is crowned Queen Monosandalos

The above two were particularly hard to do, because of the striped stockings. Fortunately I think the illustrations in this book are the only time Yutaka Ono gave a character socks or stockings with a pattern. Everyone else has solid ones, I think (in fact that was one of my big advantages. Because of the way the illustrators for by books draw, most use little or NO shading, so mapping colors on was actually doable. Plus while Ono often provides ABSURD amounts of detail on his shoes [compared to the other illustrators] he, and all of the others really provide little or no detail on socks, so the way they look after I'm done with the manipulations really is how they'd look if that is how they'd been drawn originally )

An acceptance letter to Halfshod Academy (actually, originally from a version of Daddy Long Legs)

Meeting her new roommates

"I think I look better this way, don't you?"

The above is actually from a version of The Red Shoes (it's after she's adopted but before she gets the second pair) And no I'm am not planning to do one from when she DOES get the red shoes (I tried but all of those pictures are either from bad angles for re-draw or from during or after the ball, when she isn't wearing stockings under them (in which case, I can't really do anything)

I'll probably do a few more down the road when I have the house to myself again (I need my parents scanner to do the initial scans and I only have access to that when I'm alone in the house) But this should be enough to whet everyone's appetites
12-16-2014 21:24 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Well done I like them, I have done some manipulation also but used shots from the TV series Futurama. I up loaded them to my web site the link is in the members list. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by ko962: 12-17-2014 13:36.

12-17-2014 11:45 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List

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Wow, great job sir!
Convincingly manipulating existing art is not easy at all. Yet it's a very effective way to make your fantasy become true... bravo!


removing boots, heels and masks - just for the shame of it
12-17-2014 12:38 BatMad is offline Send an Email to BatMad Homepage of BatMad Search for Posts by BatMad Add BatMad to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by ko962
Well done I like them, I have done some manipulation also but used shots from the TV series Futurama. I up loaded them to my web site the link is in the members list. Keep up the good work and I look forward to seeing more.

I was sort of afraid you'd bring those pictures up. I've seen them in your gallery. In fact to be perfectly honest, they were what convinced me that using MS paint was NOT going to give me the results I wanted. That isn't meant to be a disparagement of the job you did, I'm just a lot more fussy and anal than your are about making it look "natural" in a manner that pleases ME.

There are a LOT of limitations I have found which means that, while there WILL be more, the supply will probably NOT last all that long since I'll run out of images that can be manipulated pretty soon (or at least, capable of being manipulated with my skills and resources that will yield a result I'm happy with. Amongst the limitations I have found.

1. While the jobs look from a distance like they can be done with a simple fill button and eraser (fill in the shoe with the color of the stocking then erase it's lines) that does not work since by definition ANY image you scan to a computer gets pixilated in the process, so even apparently solid spaces are all little dots of various colors (making "fill" useless) I basically have to do it by coping a little chunk of the stocking and pasting it over the shoe surface again and again to cover it (that's why the foot lines look a little thick, I can't actually cover all the way to the edge without destroying the outline.

2. Since I'm only really interested in single shoe pictures, any starter illustration that shows no feet, or only one, isn't really worth it

3. I can't do any picture where the girl is not wearing socks or stockings, because then I'd have to figure out how to draw toes freehand, and I don't have enough skill for that. Theoretically I can find another picture by the same illustrator of a character who is barefoot and swap feet, but that requires finding a character whose feet are in the exact same position and scale, and that is hard)

4. I can only make it "work" for some foot positions. Since I can only subtract, not add, I'm basically limited to those pictures where the character has their feet either pointed straight forward, where they have it raised and forward (like the Alice with the deer) or where one is set behind the other so that the tricky bits are covered.
The main "tricky" bit is the usually the heel. Unlike most of the other illustrators in this series, Yutaka Ono (whose work is the one I'm mainly using) DOES draw low heels on those types of shoes that would have them (most of the others leave the soles perfectly flat, unless it's a close-up) so you either have to try and fill in the heel as well (which makes the foot too thick) or fill it in with the background, which makes it look a bit a bit weird since people don't generally keep their feet elevated for such low distances (that's why if you look at the "queen Alice" picture, the heel of the stocking on her shoeless foot looks a little blocky, it's actually covering he shoe heel as well.

This picture will sort of show the problem

However much I'd LIKE to do this one, the pointed foot is in an awkward position, twisted slightly too far forward, so that the gap between the heel and the rest of the sole is a bit too deep to shave off convincingly. Pity because I've always really liked this picture (it always amuses me that Yutaka drew a Dorothy SO neat she would actually re-lace and re-tie her boots after taking them off.)

By extension that means I probably won't be doing any pictures with actual high heels. I can't erase the heel and make the foot look normal in position. Add on that, with these images any high heels tend to have very pointed toes and Yutaka doesn't usually have his older character wear socks or stockings and you get a triple refusal (and before you ask, no I cannot just pretend they are all wearing flesh colored pantyhose. It doesn't fit with the period, and the toes would still be wrong) The only reason I could do the red shoes one is she had her foot in that odd ballet pointe postion.

4. Speaking of boots, I really can't do anything with any character with those either. Yutaka Ono has a very distinctive way of drawing boots, distinctive enough that one of the ways I use to work out if he/she is the illustrator is to look for "The Boots of Ono" (though due to the way names are written in Japan I should probably call it "The Boots of Yutaka") (see boots above) He alone like to put in those soles and laces. Unfortunately, another big part of the way he draws them is to put a "flare" to the top of them so the boots actually have a gap between them at the foot at the top. Looks great and is accurate but makes shaving down the foot undoable. The First Daddy Long legs pic is probably the closest I'll get, and that only because she is actually wearing something more like oxfords than the usual ankle boots, so no flare (actually I just realized something, This edition is the only one in the whole series with a character in oxfords and the Daddy Long Legs in the SMC series (illustrated by Takahasii, not Ono) is the only one with a picture of a character in tennis shoes (all books in these series are public domain classics, so most of the stories were written before sneakers were common).

5. Every now and them, I find an actual mistake the original illustrator made that makes the job harder. That's why the Alice with the deer has that extra "thin" blue stripe on the stocking. When I went to do the work, I found that Yutaka had actually made a mistake in the original. Alice's shoe strap in the original is approximately the same width as one of the stripes in her stockings, so technically the stripes on both sides should have been the same color (yellow, I think) Only there weren't, Yutaka skipped one. If I COULD do fill in this could have easily been solved (just reverse the colors of all the stripes down the foot. But since I couldn't I had to add that thin stripe to break the yellow up (it sort of works, since it is where her foot would be bending) He actually made the same mistake in the other, the stocking stripes are alternating on the back of the foot (where it's yellow on one leg, it's blue on the other, and vice-versa) and parallel on the other side (where it's yellow it's yellow and where it's blue, it's blue) Other's are the broken outline on the "shoeless foot" in the Red Shoes pic (where her leg crosses the frame of the mirror) I'll mention others as I do their pictures.

6. Doing the scans puts a lot of stress on the books, so I'm only doing them with books I have spare copies of. So there may be some coming weeks or months down the line as duplicates I don't have now pass my way.

I'll see what I can do about a few more images tomorrow.
12-17-2014 22:15 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Talking about the futurama pics, I did them at least 5 years ago as a sort of test to see what was possible to do using Paint shop pro. But after doing them I came to the conclusion that using Daz studio was still better, so that is why I only use that now. I started doing digital art back in the late 1980s on an Amiga 1200 using Deluxe paint IV but it was very time consuming. It was when I found Daz Studio 3 I really got into doing the sort of things I do now.
You have made a very good job of the pics I have seen, so keep it up and you will become better as time goes on. I also found it hard to remove a boot or high heel to make it look as the artist intended, so I have now became the artist in a manner of speaking.
12-18-2014 14:28 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List


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Next round

Orig. Lassie Come Home (two versions)

"This is what happens to naughty doggies who chew up the Mistress's shoes!"

"I forgive you, be free"

"Actually, I like things better this way"

There was going to be a fourth, but it turns out that because the start image for that is on the inside cover of the book and the book is board I can't get the image close enough to the scanner lens to make it sharp enough to draw over.

From another Alice Version. In fact this is the Wonderland to the Looking Glass in the last series (why Ono decided to go 1920's clothing for this and standard Tenniel 1820's clothing for the Looking Glass I have no idea

"When you said you wanted Mary Jane to smoke in your hookah, I didn't think you meant my SHOE!"

" I know theft of a shoe is still theft and needs to be punished, but isn't this a little EXCESSIVE?"

Originally I was also going to do one from the Looking Glass that's in the same series as the Wonderland from the last batch with the furious Alice. However it proved to not be doable. Oddly (given that sequels in these series are usually handled by the same person who did the first book) While the wonderland in that series is Ono, the Looking glass is Takahasii. And that is the problem. On the surface the book looked easy since the shoes are much simpler than Ono's and there are a LOT of pictures with Alice's feet in good positions. But when I actually tried I found that Takahasii's shading combined with surface dirt on the book, meant that the stockings changed color too much along their length for me to take a covering patch off them that looked convincing. So that is tabled, at least until I find a cleaner spare copy (probably hard to do as that set is now also out of print, I think.

From the SAF version of Sara Crewe (their title)/A Little Princess (the actual title of the book). Yes this is the same story that the A Little Princess Sara anime (with it's shoe breakage/removal/stocking wear out episode) is based on.

"You're telling us that in India girls actually wear TWO shoes?"

"All Sisters of the Single Shoe deserve to be pampered from time to time"

The main challenge I had with these two was I actually needed to make THREE scans to do them, as Sara's stockings are not visible in any of the "well off" pictures, so I needed to scan a "poor" Sara to get the color (and before you ask, no, I am not planning nor can I do a version of one of the "poor Sara" pictures. The feet are at bad angles and in any case Takahasii made her shoes and stockings so shabby and worn that I could not get the texture right.)

I also decided to leave the fourth girl (the one in the chair in the back, reading) alone in picture 1. The heel would have made modification hard plus, with only one foot showing, I thought it looked better with a shoe than without one.

Incidentally there is actually a shoe error with her. In this picture it looks like she has on mary janes. However in all of the others she has on boots, button up ones, it looks like (the next picture happens right after this one in time, so it isn't a "she changed shoes" thing) Evidently, Takahasii changed his mind on footwear, and forgot to come back and correct things. What makes it funny is that he also apparently didn't tell the colorist (or is trying to cover up) so that girls shoes and stockings in this picture are the exact same color! (and no they do not EVER do that on purpose in these books). It's a bit like a picture early on in the SMC Wizard of oz, where Dorothy's Kansas boots are colored in the sliver of the silver shoes)

These are probably the last I'll do for a week or so. Varios events like some work on our bathroom (which means I have to stay downstairs most of the time to keep an eye on the cat so she doesn't get out) and my Dad being off work this upcoming week (which means there will be someone using the room with the scanner pretty much all day every day) means I probably won't get another opportunity to scan for a while. Plus as I said I'm running out of images that will work, so I'm trying to parse them out a bit.

Oh before I forget, there is one minor piece of info that might be of use to someone. While trolling around looking for images of books in this series I don't have (so if I find someone who can actually GO to Japan or lives there, I can give them the images so they know which books I am looking for) I discovered that, while Propura Shadako (the publisher of all of these books) seems to be stopping the physical publication of them, they seem to be scanning some of them to make downloadable digital versions. All of the sets I've seen so far are a lot shorter than the original book sets but if the keep going, the books may eventually require no more input to get than a computer or cellphone (well a computer or cellphone capable of taking download from Japan, there are a lot of digital "blocks" between Japan and everywhere else.)
12-18-2014 18:57 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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I thought I would do my own Alice in wonderland pics one of her losing her shoe and the other of her made small next to her normal sized shoe she had just lost.

ko962 has attached these images (downsized versions):
Alice.jpg Alice1.jpg

12-19-2014 16:00 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List
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12-19-2014 19:45 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade


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Originally posted by lgwolf32
For those of you who have Netflix, or if you can find these movies anywhere else, I have found two different one shoe scenes from two different movies

Odd Thomas- this movie is about a man named odd who has the ability to see ghosts. In the beginning of the movie, a girl appears to him to warn her about a man who killed her( who he was talking to). After the killer runs, the camera zooms out, and you can see the girl, who looks like she was hit by a car( which is why she is dead). She is wearing only one sneaker, because the other one was supposedly knocked off.

found it
12-20-2014 02:56 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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12-20-2014 11:54 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by omega


Nice find really like it.
12-20-2014 14:08 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List


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Managed to get some time on the scanner today so here is round 3

Some Little Red Riding Hood

"Oh good, this matches my shoe"

"My, what big ears you have"

"My what a dirty sock YOU have!"

"Maybe if I give mommy these cookies she'll let me have my other shoe back."

From The Blue Bird (two versions)

"How long did you say the shoe replacement service would take to get here?"

"When will they come, my foot is getting cold!"

"The replacement service sent YOU?"

"Yes, it's very pretty, but how exactly does this help my missing shoe problem?"

"Forget about my shoe, save my LIFE!"

From another version of The Red Shoes

"Don't bother with the other, I think it looks better if I only wear one"

"How many times do I have to tell you, proper girls do NOT go losing their shoes!"

"Can't stop my dreams"

From The Nutcracker

"You leave a stocking up; I'm going the DUTCH route this Christmas."

"Hurry in Uncle, my stocking foot is got soaked from all the melting snow and it's FREEZING!"

"One shoe is a small price to pay for all of this fun!"

From two other editions of A Little Princess/ Sara Crewe

"Look at you; so poor you can only afford one shoe!"

"Quick get out of here before she notices you only have one as well"

From another Lassie Come home

"Quick run before they come to punish your for chewing"

And from another Alice in wonderland

"Well, yes, I suppose walking around in only one shoe DOES look a little odd."

The only downside of this is that there are only three or four more books I can get picture from. After that, I'm out until such time as more scan-able duplicates come into my possession. Technically there are some more pictures in some of the books I have already done that I could probably do, but doing the same character again an again would likely become tedious. And I am NEVER doing those striped stockings on Alice again (BTW It turns out I was wrong about that being the only time in the series someone had striped stockings. Ono also used them in this series on Little Lord Fauntleroy.)
12-23-2014 04:11 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Once again you have made a great job well done.
12-23-2014 13:42 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List
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12-24-2014 10:13 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by omega

Wow Love it.
12-24-2014 12:25 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List


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More scan time, more pictures

From the Nutcracker (SAF)

There is actually an experiment here to test how well my alterations are matching. The first picture is mine

"Get away or I'll throw the other one!"

The second is "Official" (in the book that way)

And the third is mine again

"I'll never figure out how she keeps losing her shoes!"

These took me particularly long, as doing all that shading on the stockings was time consuming. Did a good job though, I think.

From the Wizard of Oz (AC)

"Forget your shoe, RUN!"

"What a pretty place"

"Plus there ARE two of them"

"Imagine, they actually thought I would wear TWO shoes!"

"I'm Home"

I had originally planned to do like I did with the Nutcracker above and post the "official" one show picture as well for comparison. But the picture in the copy of the book I was using was too damaged to scan, and the only other scanning copy of this book I have is a set III, whose printing quality is too low to do good scans from.

A Little Princess (K)

"And Then Cinderella took the other slipper and shattered it on the floor, so that no one could ever make her wear two of them again."

This is actually the other Little Princess from the previos scan lot I was having trouble with. The ribbon on Sara's slipper actually extended a little past the edge of her foot, and I had some trouble hiding it.

Florence Nightingale (K)
"Don't cry, I'm sure my other shoe will turn up eventually."

This is the only picture in this book with both of Florence's feet visible (once she become an adolescent, her dresses all are floor length) and it's not a particularly good one. It's a pity since one of the one foot pictures shows that Ono drew her shoes unusually fancy (for him) in that they have little bows on the insteps

The Red Shoes (K)

"Well, at least my spell for keeping them on HALF worked!"

That's all for now. I have one or two books left to do and then it's a hiatus until I get more spare books.
12-29-2014 20:42 Nopperabo is offline Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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