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Mandrake Mandrake is a male


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One of the first shoe loss related sites I discovered was way back in 1999. I originally started posting there as Lavos, but soon changed my name to Mandrake. That's where I started posting my stories. There were a lot of other good stories posted there. The first I remember was probably the one about Anne. I'm not sure who the author is, but it'd be cool if he'd make himself known.


We had a new girl start work in the office on Monday, and boy does she wear some beautiful shoes. What is more, she can’t seem to keep her feet in them! I first saw her walking from the car park. I immediately saw that she was wearing black patent shoes with a low cut front and neat, slim three inch heels. I was mesmerised and almost walked into a colleague, I just couldn’t keep my eyes of those heels. She is an athletic looking girl and was certainly walking quickly. She seemed to know her way around as she made straight for the stairs and started to run up them. I hurried to be close behind her. I was about ten feet behind her on the stairs when suddenly off flew her shoe which nearly knocked off my spectacles. I caught the shoe and could not resist fondling it as I walked up the stairs to her. We introduced ourselves as I passed the shoe to her. Still standing a couple of steps below her I had a marvellous view as she slipped the shoe back on. We continued up to the offices, talking to each other. I discovered that her name was Anne. I saw her into her office and offered to introduce her round at coffee. As coffee time approached, I made my way to Anne’s office. Popping my head round the door, I saw that she was on the phone. She beckoned me in and I sat opposite her. Glancing down at her legs under her desk I saw that her legs were crossed and that one shoe was dangling from the tip of her toes. I sat mesmerised as she swung the shoe back and forward and round and round. Her phone call was getting agitated and she swung her shoe harder and harder, then too hard and off fell the shoe again. Just then she finished her call. ‘Let’s go for coffee’ she said feeling around with her foot for her missing shoe. She looked under the desk and seeing that the shoe had fallen so far from her that she could not reach it she asked me to pass it across to her. Again I picked up this beautiful shoe and handed it to her. ‘This is becoming a habit’ I said as we made our way out. I must say at this stage that in addition to wearing the most wonderful shoes, Anne was very good looking as well. I was keen to make a date with her before the rest of the office discovered her. So I asked her if she would have lunch with me. It would only be sandwich and coffee in the park, but she said yes. We agreed to meet outside the building. I could hardly work when I got back in my office, I just could not get the sight and feel of those lovely shoes out of my mind. At last lunch time came and I was already waiting when she came out of the building. We walked across to the park and bought our lunch at a vendor. We ate quickly then I suggested that we walk across to watch the birds on the lake. Well the grass was a little bit tacky, it had rained overnight. Soon Anne appeared to be having trouble walking. She had slowed right down. ‘You won’t believe this’ she said ‘but unless I am lucky, I am going to lose a shoe again. They are getting stuck in the grass.’ Being a gentleman, I offered her my arm and we made our way slowly and cautiously off the grass and sat on a bench. She looked at her shoes which were now showing signs of the grass and mud we had been walking on. With growing excitement I asked Anne if she would like me to try to clean the dirt from her shoes. She agreed! I found some clean newspaper and asked for her shoes. She slipped her feet out of them and handed them to me. I was almost shaking with excitement to have these shoes in my hands again. I got off the worst of the dirt and offered her back her shoes. She slipped them back on and we made our way back to the office. Anne made sure that we stayed off the grass!
09-03-2012 07:39 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
Mandrake Mandrake is a male


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There was a followup to this story:


Anne Part II Well, I finally got a date with Anne, the new girl in the office, last night. I had been invited to drinks with an old friend and asked if I could take Anne along. I had booked at a small Italian restaurant for dinner afterwards. I picked Anne up at her apartment, she looked stunning. Tall, slim and blonde, she was dressed all in black. Her short dress showed off her perfect figure, black tights emphasised the shape of her legs, and finally, she was wearing black high heels. I felt proud to be with her. As I helped her into the cab her dress rode up enough for me to see that even her underwear was black! Now drinks parties can sometimes be a little boring, you know, having to make polite conversation with people you don't know, getting not enough to drink, and eating tasteless canapés. Well, this party was not like that at all. I knew everyone there, my friend was serving a good French champagne, there were no canapés, and Anne was the centre of attraction for all the men in the room. One thing I do like about drinks parties is that the women are not used to standing for so long in their high heels. After about half an hour, you can see them starting to feel uncomfortable. They start shifting about and standing with their weight on one foot. Once they start doing that you know that the time is not far off when they will start slipping their feet from their shoes, just enough to wriggle their toes before they slip the shoe back on. I was trying not to let Anne see what I was staring at, as this lovely display of dipping started. Then, turning back to Anne I got a big surprise, she had shrunk three inches. Looking down I saw the reason for this, she was standing barefoot, her shoes abandoned beside her. She must have noticed that I was staring at her bare feet and empty shoes because she suddenly said 'My feet are killing me in these shoes. Can we sit somewhere?' Looking at my watch I said 'Better than that, we can go now and sit for as long as you like at the restaurant'. I was a regular at the restaurant and had asked for my favourite table, in a quiet, dark corner. No sooner had we sat down and ordered than Anne said 'Thank goodness to be sitting down, my feet are absolutely agony'. Jokingly I said that I could give a pretty good foot massage, next thing I knew she put her foot in my lap under the table! I took her foot in my hands and started to massage. 'Oh that was good' she said and changed feet for the other one to be massaged. I don't know what the waiters must have thought as I must have been quite red in the face from excitement. During the meal we got to know more about each other and after the second bottle of wine were getting very happy. Eventually, the meal finished, it was time to go. We decided to walk back to her place, it was a lovely evening and we had not far to go. Suddenly Anne stopped. 'My shoe has come off' she said. I looked back and sure enough, the heel of her shoe was caught in a grating and Anne was standing, balanced on one leg, trying to keep her bare foot off the pavement. I took her arm to help her balance as she stepped back into the shoe. Anne tried to get the shoe out of the grating but every time she tried, her foot just came out of the shoe again, no matter how much she twisted and turned. Finally she asked me if I could unstrap the shoe for her. She stepped out of the shoe and I bent down and took hold of it. It took a lot of effort, but I finally got the shoe out without pulling the heel off, then slipped it back on her bare foot. Anne thanked me and started to apologise saying that I must think her silly forever losing her shoes. We got back to her flat and Anne invited me in for coffee. We sat down and I asked Anne if her shoe was damaged from getting caught. She slipped the shoe off to examine the heel. 'Look' she said, offering the shoe to me, 'I don't think that can ever be properly mended. A new heel is never as strong. I guess I'll have to throw these away.' I longed to tell her not to throw them out, that if she did not want them I would love to have them. But I did not know her that well. I wondered where she would throw them and how I could get hold of them. Eventually, it was time for me to leave. As I approached the door of her flat, she said 'You go past the garbage bin on the way out, put these in it for me will you' and handed me those gorgeous shoes!! They were mine! .
09-03-2012 07:40 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
Mandrake Mandrake is a male


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Anne eventually appeared on the message boards and started answering questions. She quickly became very popular. Of course, there was no way to know whether or not she was real, and not just some dude pretending to be a chick, but it was still nice to imagine. Remember this was 1999, there wasn't nearly as much content to satisfy us back then.

Here were some of her answers


Lots of my shoes slip off my heels as I walk. It is hard work walking in that type of shoe as you have to use your toes to keep the shoe on. They do fall off sometimes Smile

Shoes slip off much more easily when I wear nylons. Maybe someone can explain why.

Sorry, I don't wear slippers.

My shoe size is 6. I once got a size 7, they did not have my size, I just could not keep those shoes on my feet. More stories whn I get time. Maybe photos some time.

I will try to write some more stories when I get time. I don't have time to set up my own site. Anyway, this site is great.

Later she posted this:


I lost my shoe going out to lunch today. Does anyone want to hear about it?

You can guess what the responses were. Here's her account of her shoe loss.


I was wearing a favourite pair of shoes yesterday, black with a kitten heel, you know the type, not very high but with a very slim tip. I was walking down to a restaurant with my friend Jane when suddenly I felt my foot come out of my shoe. ‘I’ve lost my shoe’ I giggled to Jane as I grabbed hold of her to keep my balance. I didn’t want to stand with my stockinged foot on the dirty pavement and it is very difficult to stand balanced on only one heel. We looked back and there was my shoe standing on the path looking almost lonely. I could now see that its heel had caught in a narrow crack in the pavement, so narrow that I did not feel the heel slip in. Sometimes, if the heel sinks deeply enough and you are walking slowly, you can stop before you lose the shoe. In this case I had felt nothing so it was no surprise that I had walked straight out of my shoe. Still giggling, Jane helped me back to the shoe and I slipped my foot back into it. Gently rocking and twisting I managed too free the heel from its trap. If the heel is caught firmly the shoe quite often comes off again a few times while you are trying to get it free. This time it came almost straight out. Quite often the heel gets damaged when caught in this way and if it is, more damage can be caused by walking on it, so having freed the shoe it is a good idea to take the shoe off and carefully examine it. I could see no damage so I slipped the shoe back on and we continued for our lunch.
09-03-2012 08:02 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Anne also may have coined the term "heel popping" when we asked what it was called when a heel pops out of a shoe as a result of kneeling.


I have always called this action heel-popping and do it for a couple of reasons. The most straightforward reason is that if your shoe is a little too big then when you sit with your feet drawn up under you, the action of having the heel of your shoe clear of the floor means that there is nothing keeping your heel in your shoe, hence the heel pops out of the shoe. You might call this accidental heel-popping. Deliberate heel-popping is another matter. There are some women who do not like to slip their shoes off completely in public, heel-popping allows partial removal of a shoe for example to relieve the pressure of a tight shoe. Also, if you are in a situation where you are sitting, but don't know how soon you will have to get up, heel-popping allows you to keep contact with your shoe so that it can be slipped back on quickly if necessary. My feeling is that heel-popping is a lesser version of dangling and is carried out by women who do not have the confidence to dangle completely

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end, and eventually Anne stopped posting. There were other good posters though. Sphereio was an original poster who always had some good accounts. I was also posting experiences regularly (both as Lavos and as Mandrake), Lavos tended to post scenes from movies and tv, Mandrake was more about brief personal experiences. Eventually I dropped the Lavos name and stuck with Mandrake and it's been my alias ever since. I won't post all of my posts, they're still readable on the site and mostly pretty short. But here's one of my old ones:


My earliest teacher experience was in 2nd grade. She was a beautiful young girl in her 20's whom I had quite a crush on. When she was teaching shapes, she'd always have a way to get us to remember how many sides each one has. When she got to pentagon. She told us that the way to remember how many sides a pentagon had was to apply the p for piggies, and literally count your toes. She then slipped off her shoe (she was wearing sheer white nylons), and counted her stocking toes right in front of the class. Needless to say, I never forgot how many sides a pentagon had.

Another great moment in that class, was when we were learning about measurement. Each of us got a ruler and an index card with a thing we had to measure. I forget what I got, but a few of the classmates were lucky enough to get to measure the teacher's shoe. How I wished I was one of them. She sat on the desk in front of the class with her leg crossed and sticking out so they could easily measure it while it was still on her foot. She wasn't wearing a skirt or anything, but she was wearing a pair of purple nylons and black dress shoes. The first classmate that had to measure her shoe just kneeled in front of her and measured it
while she was still wearing it. The second classmate, that had to measure it in centimeters, did the smart thing and pulled her shoe off before measuring it. She wasn't expecting this and jumped and giggled when she felt her shoe come off. The boy then passed the shoe around to everyone else that had to measure it. She sat their a little embaressed with one shoe. I just couldn't take my eyes off her pretty stocking foot.
She wasn't much of a dipper or dangler, but you never new when she was going to remove her shoe in class.

I have to admit that this story was not entirely true, but was more of a fantasy I had based on a few things that really did happen in school. Real life never matches fantasy. I know Omega always wants to hear real accounts, but they're never as interesting as the fiction we create to spice it up. Anyway, you can read some of my other old posts on the message boards:

Around this time I discovered Nomdreserv's website, "Nom's Small Change". Nomdreserv wrote shrinking woman stories, and there was a lot of shoe loss and pantyhose involved (which is how I discovered it through google). The site has been down for many years now, but you can read it on the archives.

This, of course, was the main inspiration for my own first shrinking story, "The Magic Body Stocking", and I'm still writing stories in this universe. I originally posted the first part of the story on legsandheels in september of 2000, but it's easier to find now today on my deviantart page.
09-03-2012 08:18 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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In late 2000, a man who called himself Alan started posting links to his "Rochelle Stories" on the legsandheels message boards.

Rochelle was a girl who always seemed to have wardrobe malfunctions. She would often lose her shoes. Like Nomdreserv's page, the site's been long dead, and I was unable to find the illustrations, but you can still read some of his stories thanks to the web archive.

In particular you should check out A Slip in the Clouds, Hotel Humiliation and The Forces of Gravity.

Another great writer I discovered around this time was someone who called himself A. Fan. He wrote the "Nylon Wars" series about girls in nylons getting into catfights. Shoes would inevitably slip off.

Once again, the old website is long gone, but you can read his story here.

Here's an old post of mine linking to some old story sites:


If you're into tickling check out these sites' stories:

both feeture nylons and link to a web ring of tickling sites.

Another type of stories that tends to have woman's shoes coming off. My shrinking story posted below focuses on this aspect of shrinking. But, fortunately, when a woman shrinks, she tends to lose her shoes very easily, so other web sites dedicated to shrinking seem to involve shoes coming off (as well as other clothes). Here are some particularly good sites:

In most of his stories, girls in nylons shrink, and their shoes tend to fall off first.

also check out Dark Oni's stories on the homepage:

: : Thought you might like this story I found. It's about two girls in nylons having a leg wrestle. First they try knocking off each others shoes, and then proceed to undress the rest of their bodies. It's quite an enjoyable read.

: :

: : It was a great story, would love to see the video of it, and too bad there was no tickling involved.
09-03-2012 08:34 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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This was also around the time a new writer appeared on the boards. Snowman made his debut with his story, Winter Fun in November of 2000. It was the first of many stories he contributed.


The first snow of the year reminds me of a great shoe disaster.

To begin with, I almost always find a way to see a girls feet if I am really interested. Through school years and after, I have used countless methods and never failed in a serious quest to see a girls feet, until Julie.

Julie was a young seretary that had been working at our company for about six months. She was friendly, but very shy, and newly married. She was really beautiful and I would find myself inventing reasons to go up front to talk with her. My office was not far from her desk, but I could not see her without getting up. Many times, I would see her empty shoe peaking out from under the edge of her desk, but she would always scrambled to recover it when she saw anyone walking her way. I don't think she had a lot of money to spend on clothes but she always wore a nice dress or skirt, with the same well worn black low heeled pumps, usually with tan nylons.

For months, I could not get a glimpse of her feet, no matter how hard I tried. I used the old "longer second toe is a sign of Royalty" and other standard ploys with out any sucess at all. The more I failed, the more I wanted to see her toes. Once when we were working late preparing for an audit, we were sitting across from each other at a folding table and I "accidentally" kicked her dangling pump, but she recovered it before I could even look under the table. She was very shy and without a doubt, the toughest project I have seen before or since. It appeared that I had met my match and in fact, I stopped trying.

One afternoon in February, I was coming back from downtown and six to eight inches of snow had recently fallen. No one else was coming back that day because heavy snowfall was predicted. I intended to send Julie home early.

As I pulled into the parking lot in front of the office, it appeared that the plows had cleared the lot earlier because there was only about an inch of new snow on the pavement.

As I got out of the car, I noticed Julie was headed across the lot to the mailbox, wearing a long jeans skirt, sweater, and the usual low heels. Our mailbox was on a post at the end of the lot, and the plows had piled up a ridge of snow about knee deep for several feet in front.

Julie picked her way through some footprints in the deep snow, collected the mail from the box, and then, with arms spread wide, fell down into the fluffy snow, scattering mail everywhere.

A ran over as quick as I could and pulled her up, and found that she was laughing hysterically. My relief that she was unhurt lasted only a heartbeat, nearly my last.

This beautiful girl was in my arms, laughing uncontrollably, wearing only one black pump. I didn't even try to be discreet. After a moment, I looked down to see the object of my obsession, which I knew would be the most perfect toes and highest arch I had ever seen. Impossibly, her toes were not visible at all. She had snow clinging to her bare stocking foot abscuring her toes. Instantly, with her clinging to my arm and balancing on one foot, I bent to brush the snow off her barefoot stocking. Instinctively, she let go of my arm and quickly stepped back, again setting her stockinged foot into the shallow snow, and quickly rebalancing on one foot again with a new coating of snow abscuring her foot even further.

For what seemed like minutes, I stood there staring dumbly at her snowy foot, and seeing no more than if she had her shoe on. I mumbled some apology figuring she was mad and I had been caught.

"I'm really sorry," she said and laughed again. "I can,t stand anybody touching my feet. I hate them, they're ugly". After another uncomfortably silent moment she said, "can you please get my shoe?"

As I turned to the mailbox, I was truly unhappy. My back was to her and she was about forty feet away, standing on one foot and holding a fence post for balance. I turned to look and even from this distance, I could see that her foot was perfect. She had brushed off the snow and I could see that her toes were unpolished and perfectly aligned under the wet nylon. Her arch was high and graceful.

I had to get a closer look, but how? Normally, I could simply kneel and place the shoe on her foot, but after what had just happened, I wasn"t sure. She might say, "just toss it to me" or something. Just as I was about to pick up the shoe, I had an inspiration.

"I don't see it here," I said. "Are you sure you didn't kick it off when you fell?"
"No," she said firmly. "I stepped out of it in the deep snow near the box."
"I don't see it" I lied, nearly stepping on it.

Looking quite angry, she took eight or ten decisive steps in my direction, with half the steps thrusting her barefoot into the icy snow. This was going to be bad. Even from ten feet away, the shoe was visible because it wasn't buried very deep. For the second time in about a minute, I had a great idea. I pretended to loose my balance and deliberately imitated the way she had flung her arms. As I fell, I grabbed the shoe with my hand and pushed it deep into the snow bank. A perfect performance and once again, she was laughing hysterically.
As I got up from the snow bank, I suggested that we take her back inside, and I would come back and find her shoe myself. I asked if I could carry her but she declined and walked with one stockinged foot, through the snow for the eighty to ninety yards back to the office.
Once inside, I went into the warehouse to find some rubber boots. As I sat down in the front office and buckled the boots, Julie walked over and stood next to me. As I was sitting and bent over, her one bare foot was less than three feet from my face. Her toes were polished clear and very beautiful. I pretended to fumble with the boot buckle hoping this moment would last. After at least a full minute or more, I looked up and saw that she was standing there because she had brought both of us a cup of coffee.
For about forty-five minutes, we warmed up, drank coffee, laughed and talked. Julie did not seem self concious about her one bare foot, but I noticed that she kept the other shoe on just the same. For the longest time, I would pretend to be looking at my chilled hands, but would look past directly at her pefect toes. It was one of the best times I have ever had.
The spell was broken by a loud sound out front. The plows were back for another round. I quickly ran out and retreived the shoe from the snow bank. I knew Julie couldn't see me through the front window so I went in through the warehouse. Half way back to the office, I removed and saved the insole which had a perfect foot print, and cut the shoe nearly in half with some bolt cutters. I brought the mangled shoe back into the office and remarked that the plow must have run over it.
Julie looked disgusted and removed the other shoe and dropped it in the waste can next to her desk. After more coffee and another twenty minutes of staring at her gorgeous feet, I offered to drive her home.
I thought she would wear the big rubber boots over her stockinged feet by she just strode out the front door and walked to my car, both stockinged feet bare in the icy snow.
After a delightful twenty or thirty minute ride, looking at her perfect feet as much as traffic allowed, I drove into her driveway.
She thanked me for the ride, put her stockinged feet into the knee deep snow, walked a hundred feet and disappeared into her home.

I will never forget that day. Before then, I always had a fetish for womens feet, but since that day, I have had countless episodes of removing womens shoes, and sometimes socks, in cold whether or snow.

I was at work at least an hour before everyone the following day, to empty the trash and save the black pump for my collection. To my great delight, Julie showed up in snow boots and I enjoyed seeing her feet that day, and may other days when she changed into her dress shoes.

His geocities website had all of his stories and pics. Geocities is gone, but his site has been backed up here:
09-03-2012 09:04 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Snowman's stories became very popular on the forum, particularly his Maria and Sarah saga. Other writers began borrowing is characters for their own stories. Like this one by Rob Z:

Another writer, Kinja, also used some of Snowman's characters in his own 'trishtales'. He also had a geocities site that's now backed up here:

Other writers included Mikeey, Climber, Nigel Cadman, Goody Loose Shoes, and Walt AKA Thomas whose stories were hosted on Kinja's site. His site also linked to droppedit's movie and tv show archive which has now been replaced by

I was also writing more frequently around this time, contributing stories like Juliattickle and Halloween Socks to the legsandheels story archive. There were several other writers who contributed stories to the site, unfortunately a lot of them don't have names, so we'll never know who wrote them.

One author who called himself "Who Cares?" (well, I do actually), wrote the rather memorable Maggie and Lisa series of stories. Here's the first one:

Some other great writers I discovered around this time were JtheQuill and Libtick whose stories were hosted on the Plume website (now completely gone, can't even find it on the archive). Fortunately, Libtick's story archive is available here:

JtheQuill's older stories are harder to find, but I've managed to find these:

There may be more, of course you can ask him yourself since he sometimes posts here and on the ticklingforum as Kindred!
09-03-2012 09:35 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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One writer I've intentionally left out so far, but this writer is actually the reason I started this thread in the first place. I really want her to come back. Yes, it's a she, or so I think (you can never tell on the internet). She went by the name Lady Laces, and she posted several stories about her shoe stealing experiences at school. I looked forward to every time she would post on legsandheels, and really missed her when she stopped posting. I'm going to post all of her stories here because I don't think they've ever been archived together anywhere else:

As a dipping,dangling and heelpopping fan my college years were fantastic. My three friends all did the same. We all took the same size shoes so this made swapping an option. The first time this happened I was in a lecture in a hall with benches with a gap under the bench in front. I was wearing flats with sheer knee-high socks. I had my legs crossed at the ankle and was dangling my left shoe. As usual I dangled a little too much and my shoe fell off. I uncrossed my legs and reached out with my left foot for the shoe. I felt the heel cup of the shoe and dragged it back with my toe. I slipped the shoe on but it felt different. I looked down and saw that it wasn't my shoe. I quickly dropped my pencil to look under the bench for MY shoe. What I saw made my heart race. My shoe was under the bench in front along with the other half of the pair I had found. The girl in front of me had slipped off her shoes and put her feet under the bench in front of her. I reached out with my hand and took my shoe. I couldn't resist and took the other shoe as well. The shoes belonging to the girl in front were flats but the had a small lace at the front. The girl in front was obviously into shoeplay as the laces were tied very loosely. I pulled the laces tight and tied them in about six knots. I tried to slip one on but they were too tight. I put them on the floor and pushed them under the bench with my feet. I put my shoe back on. I left as soon as the lecture finished. I turned back to see the girl struggling to put on her shoes. I saw her in the hallway a couple of minutes later carrying her shoes and walking in just her ankle socks. To be continued.....

I thought you might like this story. As the college year wore on my flat slip-ons were getting looser and looser. By November they were slipping off with every step but I decided I couldn’t part with them. The problem was that my friends knew how loose the shoes were and took great delight in removing them whenever they got the chance. My best friend Judy would always sit in front or behind me in lectures to try and take my shoes. One day I was sitting in front of Judy in a very boring lecture. Judy had her feet under my chair with her sneakers on. I noticed her heel was out of her left sneaker and resting on the floor. I put my right foot behind her left sneaker heel so I could try to knock off the sneaker. I had fallen right into a trap. Judy was watching and as soon as my right foot was in place she closed her feet together around my right foot and ankle. Judy began to pull my foot towards her and as she did my shoe began to slip off. As my shoe slipped off she moved her feet so they were pulling my shoe. I tried to keep hold of the shoe with my toe but she was too strong and I felt my shoe slip off my toe and away. I realised there was nothing I could do unless Judy put her feet forward again. I nervously sat waiting for the lecture to finish. My right foot was cold, I could feel the cold hardwood floor through my sheer sock. I crossed my legs under my chair so my right foot was not touching the floor. Judy suddenly hooked her left foot around the front of my left ankle and pulled it towards her. Then I felt her foot on the back of my shoe. She pressed against my shoe and I felt my heel slipping out of the shoe. She pulled and pressed and the shoe popped of my heel. Judy had taken her right sneaker off so she gripped the heel cup of my shoe with her toes and pulled it away. I turned around to see Judy putting my shoes in her bag. She put her sneaker back on and sat smiling. The lecture finished and I tried to chase after Judy. It was difficult to run as my nylon socks kept slipping on the hallway floor. I caught up to Judy who gave me back my shoes, after much begging on my part. I decided to buy new shoes after that day, but I always carried my old shoes in my bag just in case.

I would like to hear stories like this from other women if you have them.


A couple of replies have asked if I have any more stories about having my shoes taken and kept. Well here’s a story that happened around Xmas.

Now that there were four of us involved in shoeplay every day it seemed I was loing my shoes or taking shoes nearly all day. I decided that I would have a day without losing my shoes. I wore sneakers to college, but instead of wearing them with the laces really loose I pulled the laces really tight and tied them in a double bow and tucked the lace ends down the sides. It felt weird at first not feeling my heels slipping out of the sneakers as I walked down the hallway to my first lecture, but it was ok. I sat behind Lucy in my first lecture, as I put my feet under her chair I kicked her ankle. She closed her feet together and tried to pull off my shoe. There was no way my sneaker was moving and Lucy gave up after a couple minutes. After the lecture Lucy asked me where my normal loose slip ons where. I told her they were in my bag but I wanted a day with my shoes on for a change. Later in the morning my lecture was cancelled so I went to the library to study. I sat at an empty table and got out my books. I put my feet up on the chair opposite and settled down to read. After a few minutes I felt the chair my feet were on move. I looked up and saw Lucy and Judy, they pushed the chair in so that my feet were hanging over the seat of the chair. I tried to move my feet but the chair was trapping my legs. I couldn’t move !!!! Lucy sat in the chair to the left of my feet, Emma sat in the chair to the right. They laughed and said they would move the chair soon. Then I felt something, it was Lucy pulling the lace out of the side of my left sneaker. Then I felt her untying the knots and loosening the laces. Judy saw what Lucy was doing and she started on my other shoe. I started to panic, I knew they wouldn’t just loosen my sneakers without taking them. I put my feet together to try and keep on the shoes but they pulled my feet apart. When my laces were really loose Lucy started to slip off the sneaker nearest to her. She gripped the heel and pulled. The sneaker was so loose it slipped off my heel, I flexed my toes but it was useless, I was wearing slippery pantyhose. Then Judy took the other sneaker and passed it to Lucy. Lucy stood up and walked around and stood next to me. She reached down and picked up my bag, She looked inside and picked out my slip ons. She whispered in my ear “ I’m going now, see you after lunchâ€. My heart sank I was left with no shoes, no sneakers and no way of getting off my chair !!!! Judy moved the chair back and I put my hosed feet on the floor. I asked her if she had any sneakers in her bag she said no. I stood up and walked out of the library in my thin nylons. I had two hours till I would see Lucy again. As I left the library I walked very embarrassed to my next lecture. I spent that lecture and the whole of lunch hour shoeless. First lecture after lunch I sat next to Lucy, she gave me back my slip ons and said I could have my sneakers the next day !!!!! I just seemed that whatever I did someone always managed to take them. I will have my revenge !!!!!!

I have stories about taking normal slip-ons. and about having my slip ons taken and kept. Once I was dipping in the line for lunch and one of my friends kicked my shoe away. the shoe went under a teacher's chair and hit her foot. She bent down and picked up my shoe and looked around for the owner. She called me over and said " if you can't keep this shoe then I will! See me in my study at the end of the day" I was left for the rest of the day (4 Hours ) with one shoe and one cold stockinged foot. I went to her study and she gave me a ten minute lecture on looking after my shoes. She was sitting in a chair with her legs crossed while she was telling me off. She dangled her black leather pump the whole time. Then as she gave me back my shoe her pump fell off. I said " I see you lose your shoes as much as I do." She smiled. " If you ever want me to confiscate any of your friends shoes, just let me know!! she said." I will." We bacme good friends from that day.
09-03-2012 09:41 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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More from Lady Laces:

Lucy had had my sneakers and my shoes at different times, so I thought it was time for a little revenge. We were all going on to lunch and I noticed Lucy was wearing slip ons that were flapping on and off as she walked. When we had all got our food I sat opposite Lucy at the table. I dropped (on purpose) my knife to look under the table so I could get a better view of Lucy’s feet. I was in luck !!! Lucy had her left leg crossed over her right and her shoe was dangling off her toes. I had to think what to do so I got both of her shoes – for ultimate revenge! I remembered that Lucy hated anyone tickling her feet so this would be the way to get both shoes. I reached down slowly and grabbed Lucy’s left ankle with both hands. Lucy squealed as I lifted up her foot and held it against my chair seat. In the struggle her left shoe had fallen on the floor. I slipped of my right shoe and put my foot into Lucy’s shoe and dropped it under my chair. I slipped my shoe back on and looked Lucy in the eye. “Give me your other shoe or I will tickle you foot.†Lucy thought for a moment and then she put her right foot on my lap. I pulled at the heel of her shoe and it came off in my hand. Lucy was wearing thin tights and I realised her legs were either side of the table leg. I pulled on the ends of her tights and tied them together in a double knot. I smiled at Lucy, “ I’ll take these till home timeâ€,I said waving her shoes at her. I went to the rest of lectures with Lucy’s slip ons in my bag. I saw Lucy after my final lecture. She was waiting outside my lecture hall, still in her stocking feet. I tried to sneak past her but she grabbed my shoulder and took my bag. She got her shoes and put them on the floor to put back on. I kicked one away before she could put it on. She slipped her remaining shoe on and went in search of her other shoe. I decided I had done enough damage for one day and went home.
09-03-2012 09:47 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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More from Lady Laces:

In reply to Snowman’s request I thought I would share this tale with you.

One day my shoeplay friends were going on a field trip so I thought I would wear a pair of old loose flats, I could dip and dangle all day safe in the knowledge they wouldn’t be taken from me. When I arrived at college my friends were waiting outside for the bus. I stood with them and we chatted while they waited. Lucy asked me why I was wearing my old shoes. I said that with those three out of school I could slip off my shoes and not worry they would be stolen. As the bus arrived everyone started to get on, Lucy leant down and grabbed my left ankle. She lifted up my leg and said to Judy “Fancy taking a souvenir on our trip?†As I struggled Judy gripped the heel of my left shoe and pulled. The shoe slipped down my heel and off my foot. Judy got onto the bus and sat by the window. She was laughing and waving my shoe in the air. Lucy still had hold of my leg but I couldn’t do anything to reach her. She held my ankle until the last person was on the bus. She let go of me and ran to get on the bus .I took off my other shoe and threw it at her to try and stop her getting on the bus. My shoe hit her on the back, she turned around and picked up the shoe and shouted “Thanks, see you at four!!!!!!!†she got on the bus and it drove away.

I couldn’t believe it! I was standing outside in my thin tights, no shoes and no chance of getting them back for the whole day!!!!!

I searched through my bag for my sneakers but I did not have them with me. I walked into the building and down the hallway to my first lecture. I wanted to sit near the back but I was late and could only find a seat at the front of the class. The teacher was the one who offered to help me if I wanted her to a few weeks earlier. When she saw me in tights and no shoes she called me outside the class. She asked me what had happened and I told her. She asked me what size shoe I took. She said she had a spare pair of her shoes in her car. But she was two sizes smaller than me so they would not fit. She asked me what size Carol took (the girl sitting behind me in class) I said she was two sizes bigger than me but why?? She said “ Try and steal one of Carol’s shoes and I will take it from there.†I went back in and sat down. Carol had her feet under my chair. She was wearing ballet style shoes, her heels were out of the shoes resting on the floor and her shoes were on her toes. I sat down and put my feet either side of Carol’s. I closed my feet together and pulled Carol’s feet forward. Her left shoe fell off and banged on the floor. She managed to pull back both shoes with her toes. The teacher heard the noise of the shoe falling and asked what was going on. Carol said I had kicked her ankles. The teacher said “Carol why would someone with no shoes try to kick someone? I think you should stand outside rather than disrupt the class.†As Carol got up to leave the teacher said “ you can leave your shoes with me since they are so noisy!†Carol slipped off her shoes and left them at the front of the class. About ten minutes later the teacher tripped over the shoes Carol had left, she kicked them under my desk saying they were in the way. I quickly slipped them on. At the end of the lecture the teacher called me over. “ You can have them till lunch but I will have to give them back to Carol then.†I left for my next lecture.

I sat down in my next lecture and began to take notes. After a few minutes I began to realise how loose Carol’s shoes were. As I crossed my legs the shoe just fell off onto the floor. It was impossible to keep the shoes on if my feet were off the floor. I saw Carol sitting two rows in front of me turning and talking to the girl in front of me angry about being forced to walk to classes shoeless in her sheer tights. I suddenly felt pressure on my ankles, the girl in front had slipped off her sneakers and her socked feet were clamped either side of my ankles. She moved her feet forward and I felt Carol’s shoes slip from my heels and onto the floor. The girl in front put her feet into the shoes and I could see her put her feet on Carol’s chair. Carol took the shoes off and put them on the floor and slipped her feet back into them.

I was shoeless again, and there was still two hours to lunch! I decided to stay as I was until the final lecture before lunch. It actually felt quite good having no shoes. I didn’t have to worry about having my shoes taken or losing them. The girl in front of me had her sneakers off from taking Carol’s shoes. I gripped the heel cup of one of them and dragged it back under my desk. She did not notice as she had put her shoes on by now and was not touching her sneakers. I tried the sneaker on but it was too small. I was having no luck today! I was beginning to feel like Cinderella!! Since I couldn’t put the sneaker on I decided to tie the laces in as many knots as I could as payback for Carol’s shoes. I must have tied 30 knots in the laces. I was going to take hours to undo them. I put the sneaker back on the floor and gently pushed it back under the girl’s chair. The bell sounded and we all stood up and I left for my next class.

Final lesson before lunch. I had to make sure I was sitting by someone with loose shoes that would fit. I sat in front of a girl called Joanne. We had shoeplayed a couple of times and I knew her feet were the same size as mine. After a few minutes I heard one of Joanne’s shoes fall under my chair. I quickly hooked the shoe forward and placed my left foot in it. It felt good to be wearing a shoe again – since it was over 90 minutes since the last time. I scribbled a note to Joanne telling her of my plight. I folded the note and put it in her shoe. I put my foot back on the floor and slipped off the shoe. I pushed the shoe back until I felt it touch Joanne’s foot. About five minutes later I felt something push against my feet – which were crossed under my chair. It was the empty shoe. I slipped it on and crossed my legs. I took the shoe off - there was a note inside. “I am sorry to hear your story. If you would like to borrow my sneakers until the bus gets back then you can. If so slip my shoe back and I will put my sneakers on and you can take them off my feet. I will put my feet on the back of your seat.†Success! I put the shoe back on and kicked it back under my chair. To my horror the shoe made a loud noise as I kicked it back. The teacher called us both to the front of the class. I had no shoes and Joanne was wearing one! After a stern lecture we were sent back to our seats. Joanne was made to leave her shoes with the teacher. This meant no sneakers for me.

I spent lunch indoors in the library mainly. I called to the teacher’s lounge and explained what had happened to Carol’s shoes. The teacher said she had found a pair of sneakers in the lost and found. She gave them to me, they didn’t have any laces but at least my feet were warm. I thanked the teacher and left. The sneakers flapped on and off as I walked but I could just about keep them on. I had two lectures in the afternoon – the first was not too bad because it was in the lecture theatre – bench seat with no gaps. This meant that my sneakers were safe even if I slipped them off or dangled them. It was good being able to play with the very loose shoes and know that they would not be taken. My final lecture was in a classroom with desks and chairs. I made a point of sitting at the back of the class behind an empty chair. As the lecture began a girl arrived late and sat in front of me. She saw my sneakers as she sat down. During the lecture she leant back and said “Where are your laces?â€. “I haven’t got anyâ€, I said. “How loose are your shoes?†she asked. “Very!†I replied. I stretched out my right leg so it was level with her chair. I flexed my toes and the heel of the sneaker came right off my heel. The girl grabbed hold of my ankle to support my leg. She slid my shoe off and then put it back on my foot. She could not believe how easily it came off, and slipped it on and off another couple of times before putting it back on my foot and letting go of my ankle. “Is the other one the same?†she whispered. I put up my left leg “see for yourself.†The girl did the same to my left shoe – slipping it on and off several times before releasing my ankle. “They’re amazing†she said. “My shoes are too tight which is a shame because I love slipping shoes on and off,†she carried on. “Would you let me borrow those sneakers for the rest of the lecture?†I saw no problem with this, she could have taken them and didn’t so I felt I could trust her. I put my feet under her chair and rested the heels of the sneakers on the floor. I flexed my toes and popped the heels. I pressed my feet forwards and I felt the sneakers fall forwards onto the floor. As my toes rested on the back of the sneakers I felt them move forwards as she took them away. With about five minutes of the lecture to go the girl said “put your feet up.†I stretched out my legs so my feet were either side of her chair. She placed the sneakers back on my feet and thanked me. As we left I saw she was wearing black slip-ons but they were the type with elastic in the front.

I rushed from the lecture and waited outside for the bus to return. As Judy got off the bus I could see she was wearing my shoes !!! I grabbed her shoulder and pushed her onto the grass by the side of the path. I grabbed her ankles and pulled off my shoes. I kicked off the sneakers and put my shoes on. What a day!!!
09-03-2012 09:49 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Lady Laces also submitted this great long story to the story section of legsandheels:

She was definitely a favorite writer of mine, especially as a fan of sheer pantyhose with sneakers. It'd be great to read some new stories from her. Where are you Lady Laces? Come back, please!

I'm going to stop adding to this thread for now, but in the coming weeks will continue posting links to stories as I remember and find them. As you can see, the early 2000s was a golden age for shoe loss and tickling stories. I feel like I'm one of the few left still writing from that time. Writers like Kinja, Sphereio, Nomdreserv, A. Fan, Alan and Snowman and Lady Laces seem to have disappeared, and the ones who still are around aren't nearly as prolific as they used to be. You don't see many new stories from libtick, or Kindred, or even myself for that matter, but you'll see new ones from us from time to time. I guess our lives have just gotten more busy. There are, however, a few newer writers popping up from time to time and it's always great to read what they have to offer. I hope this thread inspires more new writers to try their hand crafting a story to entertain this community, including us old farts who started writing when the internet was still new.
09-03-2012 10:01 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade

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thanks a lot for this one. very good idea to collect all those old pearls of the genre ...
09-03-2012 18:26 fantomaZ is offline Send an Email to fantomaZ Search for Posts by fantomaZ Add fantomaZ to your Buddy List
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You're welcome. I've been meaning to do this for some time. I'm amazed how much has changed since those days. There's a lot more pictures and videos available today, but it seems stories have fallen by the wayside. Back in the days of dialup, stories was all we had, as pictures were horribly slow and took up too much space, and videos were even slower and harder to upload. Forget about finding any good quality video. So, most of us in the community entertained ourselves with the written word. I think that's why there was a lot more writers back then. And while I love the abundance of pictures, comics and videos today, I do miss the well crafted stories that have become few and far between.
09-03-2012 19:03 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Since we are looking back to the bad old days of dial up, my first computer was the Amiga 1200 and I loved Deluxe Paint IV, you could also animate with it and my first animation was done on it and only took a few hours to do. It only had half a meg ram and I got a hard drive for it with a huge 80 meg. I loved to read the stories on Legs and heels also on Kinja’s site.
Oh yes a well crafted story could put you into the scene and you imagination was all you had and I have a very good imagination too. I must admit I do prefer the technology of today.
09-03-2012 20:42 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by ko962
Since we are looking back to the bad old days of dial up, my first computer was the Amiga 1200 and I loved Deluxe Paint IV, you could also animate with it and my first animation was done on it and only took a few hours to do. It only had half a meg ram and I got a hard drive for it with a huge 80 meg. I loved to read the stories on Legs and heels also on Kinja’s site.
Oh yes a well crafted story could put you into the scene and you imagination was all you had and I have a very good imagination too. I must admit I do prefer the technology of today.

What's great about today is that now we have the technology to actually turn stories like these into poser comics, like fantomaz is doing, or even live action videos and distribute them in high quality pretty easily on the internet.
09-03-2012 21:23 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Originally posted by Mandrake
Originally posted by ko962
Since we are looking back to the bad old days of dial up, my first computer was the Amiga 1200 and I loved Deluxe Paint IV, you could also animate with it and my first animation was done on it and only took a few hours to do. It only had half a meg ram and I got a hard drive for it with a huge 80 meg. I loved to read the stories on Legs and heels also on Kinja’s site.
Oh yes a well crafted story could put you into the scene and you imagination was all you had and I have a very good imagination too. I must admit I do prefer the technology of today.

What's great about today is that now we have the technology to actually turn stories like these into poser comics, like fantomaz is doing, or even live action videos and distribute them in high quality pretty easily on the internet.

Back then there were some neat programs such as comic setter, you could make comic strips and scenes but the characters were in bits ie, legs, arms, torso, head etc and you could make any combination you liked, the only thing was, there were no footware items and the clothing was very basic. So I think I will stick with Daz studio 4 and poser.
09-03-2012 22:06 ko962 is offline Send an Email to ko962 Homepage of ko962 Search for Posts by ko962 Add ko962 to your Buddy List
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I knew the name Mandrake was familiar! I remember reading all of your stories back in the day.

You, Snowman and a few others were my personal faves. Glad to know you're the same Mandrake.
09-04-2012 03:13 abzapthane is offline Send an Email to abzapthane Search for Posts by abzapthane Add abzapthane to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by abzapthane
I knew the name Mandrake was familiar! I remember reading all of your stories back in the day.

You, Snowman and a few others were my personal faves. Glad to know you're the same Mandrake.

Hey thanks. Did you post back then as well?
09-04-2012 05:37 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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I had an account but I never posted.

I was more of a lurker back then (not that I've improved much since Wink ).
09-04-2012 18:55 abzapthane is offline Send an Email to abzapthane Search for Posts by abzapthane Add abzapthane to your Buddy List
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Here's some other ones I remember reading many years ago from a website that focused on girls getting into "sticky situations". The site looks long abandoned, but there's still some content available.

some pictures that went along with the site.

I remember one buffy the vampire fan-made comic strip on a site related to this where someone made where buffy is forced to step out of her high heels after stepping in sticky goo. The pictures were sexy, can't seem to find them now though. Anyone remember this? I found the site on the wayback machine, but most of the pics are gone.
11-04-2012 17:31 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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