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Originally posted by GiantSquid33
I think erring on the side of caution makes sense for content actually produced by and/or hosted on the site. There are legal implications to that. But if were talking about just posting external links this really seems like overkill. Especially considering that there's really not a ton of shoe loss content out there. Beggars can't be choosers.

It kinda highlights the absurdity of this whole issue to me too. If literally all that makes a fictional image under or over 18 is whether the creator *says* it is then that just seems like a trivial distinction. A drawing is a drawing. If it looks like a kid then yeah, that's weird. If it doesn't then great. I'm not gonna bother trying to track down whether whoever created it has explicitly said the character is 18+. Just use common sense.

Yeah I agree with that too. When I say "err on the side of caution" that just means be aware that this is a difficult subject before you post anything that could be interpreted in a sexual way, even if it comes from a mainstream source. Obviously if it's overtly sexual and involves kids don't post it. Especially if it involves real kids and isn't just a drawing or cartoon. But if it's just cartoon feet I think it's okay, just be aware not everyone sees it as "safe" content.

BTW I like how you still provided great links even when discussing this serious topic Smile

Originally posted by bosArt
It's a complex topic. I am never really sure how to handle mainstream scenes which are clearly created in a different non-sexually oriented context, specifically if minors are targetting adults like for example in "look who's talking" with the child under the table teasing an adult woman by first taking off her high heeled shoe and then tickling her foot. Although in my opinion such a scene is acceptable - and also would be doable according to my statement because the child is the culprit not the victim - I still would avoid re-creating a scene like that because of the context it is in. Solution for me: I replace the child with an immaturely behaving young adult of 18+ just to be on the safe side even if this person is never being a target. And because immature behavior is more plausible for younger adults, my preferential playground is college or senior high school class which at least in my country definitely means that everyone in it is of age 18+

Yes, and I do the same in my stories as well just to be on the safe side even though I've been a lot more lenient about what get's posted here. I don't like to ban or censor anything unless it clearly crosses the line.

The thing is I (like many of you) have had this fetish since I was a little kid, so a lot of my memorable tickling experiences (like the aforementioned under table tickling) inevitably involved kids since I was a kid myself. For me this was an innocent time and these were very happy memories. But when I hear the word "pedophilia" I think of disgusting, horrible and traumatizing sex acts that can permanently destroy a child's life. But all of my childhood tickling memories have been nothing but pleasant. To me tickling is the opposite of traumatizing. Tickling isn't sex and showing feet isn't nudity so we probably shouldn't worry too much about this as long as the subject matter is tame. Podophelia is very different from Pedophelia even though the words sound the same. But again, just be aware that not everyone sees it that way so err on the side of caution.
04-13-2022 16:53 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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Right. I have no problem with Olive Oyl either. She's just not that anatomically appealing for my tastes. Much prefer more realistically drawn characters to pure cartoon ones. But the Popeye cartoons were always an old favorite of mine in total particularly the old Max Fleisher ones that start with the battons on the ship closing and opening with the opening credits.

This post has been edited 2 time(s), it was last edited by grizzletoad1: 04-13-2022 22:35.

04-13-2022 22:31 grizzletoad1 is offline Send an Email to grizzletoad1 Homepage of grizzletoad1 Search for Posts by grizzletoad1 Add grizzletoad1 to your Buddy List


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Well, when you consider that we ARE talking about a fetish, there are a lot of people who would say the whole site is immoral in the first place.

And the moment that someone manages to pass a law to requires people to get the consent of the person depicted in order to use their image for erotica (or, I imagine, in the case of fictional characters, the permission of the artist), pretty much ALL outside material on this site becomes trouble. And I am sure such laws are being proposed (if not already enacted in some areas.)

The irony with anime of course, is that a lot of the artists would have little to no problem with giving their OK. Age of consent in Japan is 13 (though most prefectures add laws to bump it up to 15-16) And a lot of anime artists are just glad of the increased exposure (that is more or less the reason Doujinshi is allowed to exist in the fist place.) So basically, we are stuck in the problem of the origination country of the material being far more tolerant than ours, and having to sort of filter everything ourselves.

I think the best idea would be like is done on some of my other sites, when I doubt, PM one of the more senior members and ask them if it is OK (I know this puts more work on you, Bosart, but I would hope you would be willing to take it on.)
04-13-2022 22:40 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Age of consent in Japan is 13? So that's why they have those anime with all the young looking girls in school uniforms in them. Unfortunately, in the US, 13 is WAY too young. The saying here goes, 15 will get you 30. Youngest age of consent here in some states is 16 but is 18 in most states, and that's why Bosart's disclaimer that all his characters represent women 18 and older is the smart thing to do. There was a film done back in the 90's called Airspeed that featured a very young Elishia Cuthbert as a teenager on a private aircraft where lightning knocks everyone on board out but her (!) A hole is punched in the aircraft's fusilage and she winds up hanging on for dear life to keep from getting sucked out. As she does one of her shoes gets sucked off. The plane then stablizes and she's left in one shoe the rest of the film. She then lands the plane like that too (!!) with some great closeups of her one shoed feet stomping on the plane's rudder pedals to slam on its brakes. Not a very good film and I only watched it because I just came across it while flicking through channels and stayed with it because it was so bad. Kind of like watching a train wreck. You just can't take your eyes off it. Cuthbert's shoe loss was just an added bonus, until you consider she was only 17 when the film was made and was playing a 15 year old private school girl complete in a schoolgirl skirt uniform. Something like that is what I'm talking about. The character is simply too young and it's a shame too. Only wish she were an older character, maybe a stewerdess or something that gets her high heel sucked off her foot and spends the rest of the film in one shoe. Would have been a classic then.

This post has been edited 1 time(s), it was last edited by grizzletoad1: 04-14-2022 01:33.

04-14-2022 01:26 grizzletoad1 is offline Send an Email to grizzletoad1 Homepage of grizzletoad1 Search for Posts by grizzletoad1 Add grizzletoad1 to your Buddy List


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Well, THAT rabbit hole actually goes quite a bit deeper. In general Japanese high school students have it really tough. They aren't ALLOWED to date while they are in high school, since they are supposed to have 100% of their attention on their studies (they aren't allowed to have after school jobs either, for the same reason). They are under INCREDIBLE pressure to excel at absolutely everything, while simultaneously being encouraged (more along the lines of coerced) to be as conformist as possible (did you ever wonder WHY, Japanese schools all have school uniforms? It isn't because the school boards think they are nice to look at.) ANY form of individuality is discouraged (which, combined with the pressure to excel, works out to a sort of mutual paradox, how can you excel and conform at the same time? You can't be the best AND be average.) Their schools and teachers actively do things to make their lives as hard as possible, often on purpose (for example, most Japanese schools do not have air conditioning OR heating. This does save money for the schools, but the REAL reason according to many teachers is they want their students to suffer as much hardship as possible, so they will develop fortitude. Having students pass out from heatstroke or get frostbite (both of which happen with great frequency, is considered an acceptable cost for making sure the students learn to endure suffering.)

Moreover, this lack of romance thing extends WELL past High School in Modern Japan. As soon as they graduate, a student is expected to go to college (if they make it in) and apply themselves with the same 100% devotion to their studies there.) Then it's off to a job, where the same thing applies. It is only after you have had a job for a fairly long time, and are well set both financially AND position wise, that it is considered socially acceptable to go out and look for a spouse and have some kids (which, if you are a man, you probably won't have much interaction with, since your job is to keep devoting yourself to your job 100% and bring home as much money as possible.)

That's actually one of the major reasons Japan's population is dropping so rapidly, by the time they are done with work, most Japanese adults are too TIRED to go out looking for someone. The Japanese government is actually having to actively encourage people to have kids and not having a lot of luck with it.

This all comes to why there are some many school dramas in anime, they are wish fulfillment. They give the watchers a chance to peek into a world where it's OKAY, to admit you have a crush on someone else in high school and act on it, where it is PERMISSABLE for Dads to decide their kids come first.) The let them have a taste by proxy of the world they would LIKE to live in, as opposed to the one they HAVE to.
04-14-2022 15:06 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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No wonder we had to hit them with TWO A-bombs to make them surrender in WW 2. Very tough, tenatious people. Sad they are so hive-minded though. Korea seems to be more leanient however, but China is another story. afraid we may have real trouble with them in the near future.
04-14-2022 18:55 grizzletoad1 is offline Send an Email to grizzletoad1 Homepage of grizzletoad1 Search for Posts by grizzletoad1 Add grizzletoad1 to your Buddy List


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We may have trouble with Japan as well in the middle future. The Japanese Government IS trying to do things to prop up the declining birthrate, but, in true Japanese Government fashion, the idea of loosening things up a little bit so that young people have TIME to meet and start families isn't one of them. There ideas tend to run more along the lines of building more "love hotels" and providing Japanese citizens with increased access to porn to get them in the mood. (both of which may up the birth rate a little but aren't going to do much in regards to making many more stable families.)

And however conservative Japan is now, there are a LOT of people (many in high places in government that they or their families have basically had since the end of WWII) who would like to see Japan go even FURTHER back in time, back to the days when the Japanese Emperor was not just a revered figure, but the actual end all be all ultimate government power with complete and sole authority to decide any laws and policy unilaterally. Many also want to expunge all non-pure Japanese from Japan* and go back to the days of total isolation of the nation, no one and nothing in, no one and nothing out. Most people know that is no longer feasible (for one thing, with its current population, Japan doesn't have enough arable land to adequately FEED everyone that lives there on their own). But many wish for such days, and propose ideas to get there (such as going back to dating things by the years of the emperor's reign, rather than the B.C.E.-C.E. system most of the rest of the world uses. **

So what I am concerned about is that the government might decide that the best way to solve the birth rate thing while maintaining a maximum amount of wa (social harmony and conformity) would be something along the lines of what WWII Germany refererred to as leibensborn, the forced impregnation of suitable females by chosen suitable males, with the resultant children being raised wholly by the state. In short a system where the state totally replaces the family as the method of education and rearing of the next generation, with the goal of making a totally homogenous society.

*Technically Japan has NEVER been wholly racially pure, because the racial majority Jomon people (who originally came from Korea) have always had to deal with the native Ainu people (who were already there). But a lot of Japanese discriminate against the Ainu pretty heavily anyway, and probably would have little problem kicking them out as well.

**As someone who collects Japanese books (but doesn't read Japanese) I can tell you how hard it is to date a book where the copyright and publication date are written in Kanji instead of Roman numerals (especially since the Japanese dating year starts on the day the new emperor takes the throne, so you can't simply count from one single date.)
04-14-2022 23:19 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Very interesting Nopperabo. I find it difficult to think that after so many years of being westernized that they would go back to the days before the 1850's when Japan was a feudal society. Just look at the difference between themselves and North Korea if they want a look into what a completely closed society would look like. I only hope is that that point of view is a fringe extreme one that would never gain traction in the mainstream like what happened to Iran in the 1970's or more recently in Afghanistan. I'm a conservative myself, but such extreme fundementalism is never the best idea for any society.
04-20-2022 18:52 grizzletoad1 is offline Send an Email to grizzletoad1 Homepage of grizzletoad1 Search for Posts by grizzletoad1 Add grizzletoad1 to your Buddy List
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Rachel kicking off shoes
04-21-2022 05:46 CamiloS is offline Send an Email to CamiloS Search for Posts by CamiloS Add CamiloS to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by grizzletoad1
Very interesting Nopperabo. I find it difficult to think that after so many years of being westernized that they would go back to the days before the 1850's when Japan was a feudal society. Just look at the difference between themselves and North Korea if they want a look into what a completely closed society would look like. I only hope is that that point of view is a fringe extreme one that would never gain traction in the mainstream like what happened to Iran in the 1970's or more recently in Afghanistan. I'm a conservative myself, but such extreme fundementalism is never the best idea for any society.

I don't think anyone actually wants to go back to the feudal period. For one thing, in the feudal period the emperor actually had little to no political power. Power then rested with the Shogun, the head of the dominant samurai clan, (which during the relatively peaceful and stable Edo period when most of the social laws were finally codified, would have been the Tokugawas) And NO ONE is all that keen to abandon modern technology.

Rather, they seem to want something closer to how it was after the Meiji Restoration (186Cool but before the end of WWII, when Japan was both technologically growing AND rabidly nationalistic. I probably erred when I said they want isolation, what they really want is another shot at a pan Asiatic empire.
04-21-2022 13:32 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Nopperabo, I think China might have something to say about that. They want Asia for themselves, then most likely the world. Familiar theme always ends with societies in ruins and millions dead.
04-21-2022 20:19 grizzletoad1 is offline Send an Email to grizzletoad1 Homepage of grizzletoad1 Search for Posts by grizzletoad1 Add grizzletoad1 to your Buddy List
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05-05-2022 12:06 omega is offline Send an Email to omega Search for Posts by omega Add omega to your Buddy List
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05-05-2022 18:44 CamiloS is offline Send an Email to CamiloS Search for Posts by CamiloS Add CamiloS to your Buddy List


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05-06-2022 00:40 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List


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Managed to dig up a bit of a pair of rarities here, two LIVE performances of Tarzan featuring a single booted Jane Porter (while the "Daddy they took my boot" line has become a meme, and hence not uncommon in cosplay PICTURES or fanart, it's actually pretty rare in actual performances (in the Broadway musical, Jane loses her dress, not her boot.)

There WAS a third one I found, but it was from so far away one really couldn't see anything, so I didn't bother to mark it.
1lqUG48j&index=136 (8:16)
05-13-2022 22:47 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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In the video linked below, it is really hard to tell if Demi Lovato lost one shoe or both shoes when she tripped and fell on stage.
05-18-2022 02:49 MerpserGuy is offline Send an Email to MerpserGuy Search for Posts by MerpserGuy Add MerpserGuy to your Buddy List
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Speaking of Jane, Got some rare never seen images. Photoshop edits depicting if that part she got accidently ditched on that vine lasted a little longer.

Shrinkmaster22 has attached these images (downsized versions):
TZ001.jpg TZ002.jpg TZ003.jpg
TZ004.jpg TZ005.jpg

05-18-2022 04:43 Shrinkmaster22 is offline Send an Email to Shrinkmaster22 Search for Posts by Shrinkmaster22 Add Shrinkmaster22 to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Nopperabo
Managed to dig up a bit of a pair of rarities here, two LIVE performances of Tarzan featuring a single booted Jane Porter (while the "Daddy they took my boot" line has become a meme, and hence not uncommon in cosplay PICTURES or fanart, it's actually pretty rare in actual performances (in the Broadway musical, Jane loses her dress, not her boot.)

There WAS a third one I found, but it was from so far away one really couldn't see anything, so I didn't bother to mark it.
1lqUG48j&index=136 (8:16)

Also in regards to that second video, did that ever happen in the original books or films?
05-18-2022 05:19 Shrinkmaster22 is offline Send an Email to Shrinkmaster22 Search for Posts by Shrinkmaster22 Add Shrinkmaster22 to your Buddy List


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Originally posted by Shrinkmaster22
Originally posted by Nopperabo
Managed to dig up a bit of a pair of rarities here, two LIVE performances of Tarzan featuring a single booted Jane Porter (while the "Daddy they took my boot" line has become a meme, and hence not uncommon in cosplay PICTURES or fanart, it's actually pretty rare in actual performances (in the Broadway musical, Jane loses her dress, not her boot.)

There WAS a third one I found, but it was from so far away one really couldn't see anything, so I didn't bother to mark it.
1lqUG48j&index=136 (8:16)

Also in regards to that second video, did that ever happen in the original books or films?

Don't know, as I have never READ any of the original books or seen any of the original films.

I will note that, based on such COVERS of the books as I have seen, it is a lot less likely since the story is taking place a LOT later in time (Tarzan wasn't published until 1912) and Jane is dressed in a much more jungle appropriate manner, which includes thigh high brown pull on boots (the kind it takes some effort to pull off). Basically, in the book world Jane is dressed more or less like Clayton (who does not exist in the books) is dressed.
05-18-2022 14:30 Nopperabo is online Send an Email to Nopperabo Search for Posts by Nopperabo Add Nopperabo to your Buddy List
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Originally posted by Nopperabo
Originally posted by Shrinkmaster22
Originally posted by Nopperabo
Managed to dig up a bit of a pair of rarities here, two LIVE performances of Tarzan featuring a single booted Jane Porter (while the "Daddy they took my boot" line has become a meme, and hence not uncommon in cosplay PICTURES or fanart, it's actually pretty rare in actual performances (in the Broadway musical, Jane loses her dress, not her boot.)

There WAS a third one I found, but it was from so far away one really couldn't see anything, so I didn't bother to mark it.
1lqUG48j&index=136 (8:16)

Also in regards to that second video, did that ever happen in the original books or films?

Don't know, as I have never READ any of the original books or seen any of the original films.

I will note that, based on such COVERS of the books as I have seen, it is a lot less likely since the story is taking place a LOT later in time (Tarzan wasn't published until 1912) and Jane is dressed in a much more jungle appropriate manner, which includes thigh high brown pull on boots (the kind it takes some effort to pull off). Basically, in the book world Jane is dressed more or less like Clayton (who does not exist in the books) is dressed.

Pity, based on the stage show video it would have made sense that it would be one of the things he'd do to identify that she was like him and that disney film sort of parodied that.
05-19-2022 07:57 Shrinkmaster22 is offline Send an Email to Shrinkmaster22 Search for Posts by Shrinkmaster22 Add Shrinkmaster22 to your Buddy List
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