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Registration Date: 06-29-2021
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Female Teachers with One Shoe Off Reply to this Post Post Reply with Quote Edit/Delete Posts Report Post to a Moderator       Go to the top of this page

Have you guys seen a female teacher at a time in school where she would have one shoe off whether if it came from shoeplay or she would take her shoe off to show an example of something while teaching a class or she would have one shoe off for a long period of time whether it was walking standing and/or sitting. So I thought it would be really cool to share stories of a female teacher shoeplaying and having one shoe off but we all like to see stories of young aged female teachers having a one shoe off moment. I am now going to share the first story.

I remember my science teacher from my 7th Grade year in middle school. She had long dark colored hair and she was aged in her late 20s/early 30s at that time. It made me believe that a shoe needed to come off her foot and yet she did have a shoe come off her foot twice during science class.

On warm weather days she was always wearing her dark brown colored slip on slide sandals and she always wears them barefooted. On a day whenever we were watching a movie during class or whenever we had reading day my science teacher was sitting at her desk with her legs crossed and she was swinging her right leg back and forth and she was dangling her right sandal and I can see that her shoe is getting ready to fall off of her foot. But unfortunately she did not let her shoe fall off. At a random point to where her shoe was close to falling off her foot, she lifted her right foot up in the air and slipped her shoe back on to her foot completely. There was also some times to where we was sitting on a lab table swinging her legs and her right sandal was getting ready to fall off of her foot but she was able to slip her shoe back on to her foot before it would fall off.

One day when we had cold weather, she was wearing brown loafers with socks on and she was teaching us a lesson about walking and how people walk. She walked in the front of the classroom to show the walking from heel to toe method. Then after that she took off her right shoe and used it to show us the heel to toe method and then she puts her shoe back on her foot immediately after that. Then the very next day she continued teaching us the walking method. She was sitting on top of a student desk and she took her right shoe off again and she once again used it to show us the heel to toe method and puts her shoe back on to her foot again immediately after that. It was really cool to see her have a one shoe off moment in both of those days when she was teaching.

Feel free to share some shoeplay and/or one shoe off stories from a female teacher you guys had on here. I will be looking forward to seeing some more stories.

This post has been edited 6 time(s), it was last edited by MerpserGuy: 12-19-2021 00:37.

11-07-2021 19:44 MerpserGuy is offline Send an Email to MerpserGuy Search for Posts by MerpserGuy Add MerpserGuy to your Buddy List
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I had a teacher who would take off her shoe to help us remember a pentagram had five sides. Pentagram starts with a "P" like piggies and a foot has five piggies. I remember she was quite young and attractive and wore sheer white stockings that you could see her "piggies" through. It gave me quite the stiffy and I used to love it when she would do it. Needless to say, I never forgot that a pentagram had five sides.
11-08-2021 08:28 Mandrake is offline Send an Email to Mandrake Homepage of Mandrake Search for Posts by Mandrake Add Mandrake to your Buddy List YIM Account Name of Mandrake: MandrakeMoorglade
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