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Posted by omega on 02-17-2012 at19:29:


Nopperabo I'm pretty sure if Starfire can throw around Cinderblock and other giant robots that hopping on one foot would be nothing. In fact when you think about how strong she is I doubt that Soto (the dog) would've been able to pull of her thigh high boot. Speaking of dogs stealing and chewing shoes is it me or they tend to go after womens shoes more often. And how loose are Raven's boots if one of them came off easily like that after being ejected from BB's mouth that means she could have lost her boot a lot earlier in the series since she's been thrown around a lot further and a lot faster so I'm a little confused on how loose her boot is. Too bad there weren't any close ups on her shoeless foot.

Fringe: Sorry for no links but unfortunately a lot of websites that had links have been taken down. In the ninth episode of the first season of Fringe Olivia is seen walking around in one shoe.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-17-2012 at22:20:


Originally posted by omega
Nopperabo I'm pretty sure if Starfire can throw around Cinderblock and other giant robots that hopping on one foot would be nothing. In fact when you think about how strong she is I doubt that Soto (the dog) would've been able to pull of her thigh high boot. Speaking of dogs stealing and chewing shoes is it me or they tend to go after womens shoes more often. And how loose are Raven's boots if one of them came off easily like that after being ejected from BB's mouth that means she could have lost her boot a lot earlier in the series since she's been thrown around a lot further and a lot faster so I'm a little confused on how loose her boot is. Too bad there weren't any close ups on her shoeless foot.

It isn't really a matter of Starfire's strength. If she was knocked down and Soto grabbed hold of her boot and pulled, there'd be no traction Starfire could use to keep it on (except maybe scrunching her toes, which usually doesn't do much). If she was in a tug of war with Soto, she would win, but on her back or belly, if Soto was reasonably fast, he could have her boot off and be gone before Star could do anything. Remember a key bit of the scenario is star being suprised. Star certinly has the ability to keep from being knocked over by a dog if she is expecting it, but suprise means being caught with your guard down, and therfore without your muscles prepped. A body builder may have no trouble lifting 150 pounds at the Gym, but that does not mean that if, when he wasn't expecting it you tossed a 60 pound weight into his hands, he would neccecarily not drop it or suffer muscle damage. When you are caught off guard, all questions of prep and training go out the window. And Star still assumed that Soto was Beast boy, so she would NOT be expecting him to either jump at her or go after her shoes. And hopping on one foot is tiring regarless of how strong you are. The human (and for the purposes of this argument, Tamaranian will count as 'human") body isn't designed to balace on one foot, that's why we have two with our center of gravity between them. On one your off balace, at that translates to muscle strain. If it was easy, people with hurt feet and broken legs would not need crutches.
As for the womens thing, it's pretty simple. Statistically, womens shoes are more likey to be made of things like patent leather, which is salt cured and thefore tasty to a dog. Also they are often narrower, which is important for small dogs with small mouths. And of course, since a womans shoes are likey to have been more expensive than a man's they are likely to care more when they are destroyed. But belive me, dogs will go after men's shoes with the same abandon, and if they were expensive a man will freak out just as much.
As for the Raven thing, they may not be as loose as all that. given the speed they were spat out at, a lot of things could have pulled her foot out of her boot like getting temporarily caught on or between one of BB's teeth or baleen plates (I can't remember whether BB was a sperm whale or a humpback) . It does not mean they are abnormally loose.
And actually, if there was a time they might have showed Raven's bare feet, that would not have been the episode. If they were going to do it, it would have been either in the episode where Beast boy went feral and attacker her (she was in bed for a lot of the episode, so they could have taken her shoes off then, most people do not sleep in thier shoes) or near the end of the episode where Trigon arrived (Starfire suggested raven joining her in "the painting of the toenails" and Raven agreed, Trigon just showed up before they actually did it.)

Posted by omega on 02-17-2012 at23:31:


I think the reason Raven is never shown bare foot is because it harder for the animator to draw a bare foot or animate her toes and I don't think Starfire hopping throughout the park because she is shown walking to her boot. In fact I wonder how long she spent in one boot in the park and if the Titans are the equivalent of celebrities I'm surprised that fan didn't take it since when a real life when a celebrity lose a shoe they take it, yes I know said it was slobbery but if Starfire wasn't bothered enough by it to put it back on I wouldn't be surprised if someone took it. Anyway I'm thinking of ending this discussion since I think I'm irritating you.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-20-2012 at00:26:

This isn't even all that unique, I own maybe 10 different versions of Goldilocks with shoe loss (and know of at least 2 I don't own) Actually in a certain sense, Goldilocks should be shoeless in pretty much every edition after all she is caught in bed to which most people do not wear shoes, and is fleeing for her life when she escapes, which would (one expects) not put grabbing her shoes high on her list of "things to do"

Posted by hunter77721 on 02-20-2012 at08:31:


Could You to share these shoeless Goldilocks?

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-20-2012 at14:18:


Not easily. The problem would be the same as sharing the Ozes, the Little Betty Blues and the rest of my collection, with over a thousand images, I just don't have the energy to scan every one (and lets be honest, given the rabid desire of the people on this site, you would demand everything). Plus, there are one or two that I am not 100% sure I have the legal right to share online, and when I bought them, I did not buy the rights as well.

Posted by hunter77721 on 02-20-2012 at18:45:


I wouldn't ask You, if I could buy these things in my country. But here is no chance to buy a nursery rhyme with "little Betty Blue", and I don't know about one-shoed Goldilocks illustration.

Posted by Mandrake on 02-21-2012 at06:57:


Originally posted by Nopperabo
Not easily. The problem would be the same as sharing the Ozes, the Little Betty Blues and the rest of my collection, with over a thousand images, I just don't have the energy to scan every one (and lets be honest, given the rabid desire of the people on this site, you would demand everything). Plus, there are one or two that I am not 100% sure I have the legal right to share online, and when I bought them, I did not buy the rights as well.

Wow, you have quite a collection. Perhaps, if you could at least post a few of the sources with a description (you don't have to do them all at once, of course) we could at least have a better chance of finding the books themselves. After all, this thread exists for the purpose of collecting such things.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-21-2012 at14:24:


That, I'm willing to do

Let us start with Goldilocks (I wont bother re-posting the one I already did)


one of Goldie's brown Mary Jane's falls off when she is in Papa Bears bed (he finds it there) and she runs out without it.


Goldie loses one of her oxfords (which have been untied the whole time) as she runs down the stairs and out of the bears house

This one I think

I think this one is the right one, I may have gotten it confused with another one since I only have the pictures now (often when a book gets to me in such bad condition it is falling apart, I save the pictures I want and get rid of the rest, so I have a lot of pics I really don't remember the source of
if it is correct Goldie loses one of her pointed shoes (which may be leather or wooden, it's hard to tell) when Papa bears chair breaks under her and steps out of one when she is climbing into one of the beds.

Other books worth looking for (I'm going to leave Mother goose collections and the Wizard of Oz out for the moment, since the sheer number of editions of both (especially if, like me, you also collect versions of the latter from other countries) is going to make a list of which do and which do not be more than my wrists can stand typing now.)

The Eloise books, by Kay Thompson. Hillary Knight (the illustrator) in a effort to show just how over the top rambunctios Eloise was, had her literally running or tripping out of one of her Mary Janes in practically every book. The first book has 5 single shoe pictures (though three are part of the same picture series, so that may count as only 1) the second (Eloise in Paris) has 2 (4 if you include her nanny, 5 if you include a very deep dangle on the first page) the third (Eloise at Christmas Time) has 1 (2 if, again you include Nanny) and the fifth (Eloise takes a Bawth) has 1 on the last page. There is also an addional one in Eloise's Guide to life (as the frontspeice of the chapter "How to Dress" and a few in some of the little kid books (though most of those are re-draws of pictures from the "official" books. and ALL of them ae also full of pictures of Eloise with both her shoes off, or with one of her shoe straps popped open.

Sally's Lost Shoe and other Stories
Hunter's photostream already has the two pictures from the single book, but the story was re-collected in The Everyday Story Book and when that was done, it was re-illustrated, so theres a second set.

The Girl who Circumnavigated Fairlyand in a Ship of her own Design. September loses one of her Mary Janes in the very first chapter and is in one shoe for the first half or so of the book (a point which is referenced repeatedly) The book only has one or maybe 2 pictures of this in the actual book, but you can find a fair amount of fanart on Deviantart for this titles. Also as this is a classic, there is a possibility of someone deciding to make a movie or a comic book of it.

that seems good for a start

Posted by Mandrake on 02-21-2012 at23:08:


Thanks for the descriptions. It brought back memories of reading stories like these as a kid. I also found a nice preview of the Aylesworth/McClintock Three Bears book.

The art is quite nice in this one. Didn't find much else of the other books you posted.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-21-2012 at23:43:


Originally posted by Mandrake
Thanks for the descriptions. It brought back memories of reading stories like these as a kid. I also found a nice preview of the Aylesworth/McClintock Three Bears book.

The art is quite nice in this one. Didn't find much else of the other books you posted.

Well you have to keep in mind 1. a lot of these books are out of print so, you really are at the mercy of waht ever anyone secondhand is willing to show you 2. Amazon advance looks tend to show the first page or so and no more (they want to show you just enough to make you buy the book, after all)

That being said I did manage to find an online picture of the first 1 shoe eloise pic from the 1st book

In other news, in the mail today I got a copy of the DVD of the Munsch TV segment of Anglea's Airplane, one of the other munshes besides pig (I got a DVD of that a couple weeks ago(there is I recall one more copy of that left on the Used side of Amazon (you want the volume called 4 stores kids love or something like that) and the episode is as Hunter described it (and no I don't know how to upload the episode to youtube so everyone else can see it, plus with with the way copyright enforcers are cracking down on uploads, I'd be frankly afraid to) I can therfore confirm that that is one that can be skipped; unlike the book, Angela manages to get through the crash with both sneakers.

and to finish off here is a pic from one of my favorite Goldilocks interpretations, Yutaka Ono's version (Japanese) (sorry it's so tiny, but any bigger and Photobucket can't take it) Goldie does not remove her boots in this version alas though actually that in and of itself is a point in the story, I think (I can't read Japanese, but based on the pictures it's pretty obvios that one of the naughty thinks this version of Goldie likes to do is follow up splashing around in mud puddles with jumping on the bed, in her muddy boots

Posted by Mandrake on 02-22-2012 at00:40:


That's understood. Thank you for taking the time out to write a description though. It's irritating when you get a vague description and you're curious to seek it out, only to find it wasn't worth the effort. I'm really only interested in shoe loss involving sheer socks, stockings or hosiery of some sort so I like to know before hand. But the more detailed the description the better, this way we know exactly which ones to seek out.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-22-2012 at02:26:


Originally posted by Mandrake
That's understood. Thank you for taking the time out to write a description though. It's irritating when you get a vague description and you're curious to seek it out, only to find it wasn't worth the effort. I'm really only interested in shoe loss involving sheer socks, stockings or hosiery of some sort so I like to know before hand. But the more detailed the description the better, this way we know exactly which ones to seek out.

Tell me about it. Half the books I buy turn out not to be worth it. For every really nice Wizard of Oz illustraion I find, there are three versions where they broke with text and Dorothy still has both shoes (and every now and again, one where she loses both). four where her feet are not shown (long dress, not actually in the picture etc.) five where the illustrator did not illustrate that scene, and eight where the edition has no illustrations at all (that last one really bothers me, you'd think that, when they give the basic information about a book, whether it is illustrated (and by whom) would be of highter priority than how many pages it had or the grade of paper it was printed on (this latter is practically universal in base descriptions of books in China) And it is much the same for other titles. In fact, the same mail delivery today I got the disc in also had a package with a childrens book that might have had a one boot illustration but didn't (I think the person got the volume descriptions mixed up). One just has to take ones chances.

Posted by Mandrake on 02-22-2012 at05:51:


Okay, well, if you know of any books, movies or tv shows that involves shoe loss with sheer socks, nylons, stockings or hosiery, be sure to update us with details, even if you don't wish to share actual clips or pics.

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-25-2012 at07:11:


a few of those Girl who coircumnaviageted fanarts i mentioned (actually all of the ones that shoe a half shod September; there aren't as many as I thought)"in a ship of her own"&order=9&offset=24#/d4bhg1v"in a ship of her own"&order=9&offset=24#/d48m73w

And one just for fun alice&order=9&offset=24#/d2raes7

Posted by potk on 02-25-2012 at15:52:


Some real life instances here:

Meryl Streep loses her shoe @ the BAFTAs

Austrailian PM Julia Gillard lost her shoe after being chased off by a mob. (she got it back later)

Something else I found:

MtnMaiden: Sasha is asleep and gets deshoed ( the brand she's wearing has recently become a favourite of mine Big Grin )

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-27-2012 at18:09:


found in today's search

Two feauring Pokemon gym leaders

and two featruing Lisandra, from the Brazilian Manga Holy Avenger. Apparently she wear one boot as part of her costume.
"holy avenger"lisandra&order=5&offset=24#/dywp8l
"holy avenger"lisandra&order=5&offset=24#/d5esqq

Posted by hunter77721 on 02-28-2012 at10:37:


This is a pic of my OC, named Alisee. Caregan was so kind and made it when I aksed him:

Posted by Nopperabo on 02-28-2012 at23:57:


Another one

While I am posting this, I strongly suspect this is not a true 1 shoe picture, but rather an example of what I call "foot fade". In some anime styles, when you want to show that one leg is further back in the picture than the other, you remove all detail from the leg (like the shoe). But if you look close, the shape of the shod foot and unshod foot are the same, so they are probably both shod (in cases where the shoes are heeled, it's easy to tell)

a couple other examples

the last one is actually a little more ambiguous as there are literally TONS of images of this character actually missing one of her shoes, including a model that is or at least can be made to (a lot of times, when an anime model is desigent to have a shoe that dangles, they make the shoe as a seperate peice, but one that can balace on the shoeless foot, and leave it up to the displayer to decide if they want to have it dangling or off completely.)

Posted by Mandrake on 02-29-2012 at02:04:


Originally posted by hunter77721
This is a pic of my OC, named Alisee. Caregan was so kind and made it when I aksed him:

She's an original of yours? Cool, I favorited that pic awhile ago. What did you create her for? Any stories behind her?

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